Truth Sayer

Worst show ever! Only kept watching to see how much ridiculousness and lazy writing could be fit in a network TV show. The answer? A boatload.

I think your grades were extremely lenient for this trainwreck of a show. No episode should honestly have got more than a C, with about 2 or so episodes getting plain F's.

Please no. Let it be left buried.

That wasn't shown though. So then, where was Gabe when Doug returned to the house? Don't tell me to believe that a heavily pregnant woman dragged his fat a** from the couch to any other place, so he must have been on the couch. But the couch was directly in the path of the doorway, so when Doug returned, he must have

It's a joke not a d**k, don't take it so hard.

Eww Melissandre… For the first time I feel bad for Stannis Baratheon… He had to have s*x with that… Tells you how bad it is if I still feel bad for him after he burnt his own daughter alive… in public.

For what it's worth, i believe the lyrics she chooses add even more to the expressiveness her voice carries. Many singers have that expressiveness but don't have the right lyrics to match. She just encompasses what it means to sing from the heart, voice, lyrics and all.

a B out of 10? What does that even mean?