Truth Sayer

Hmm… not a bad episode at all, but having this kind of episode at this point in the series (one episode to go) pissed me off a bit (ok, more than a bit), and felt a bit (ok, more than a bit lol) silly. We need a story, writers!

I actually kinda liked this episode minus a few scenes. I was about to give up on the season, but this episode has me hooked now. I really hope that episode 6 twist is something.

Booing gets you in the news. Getting in the news gives you free publicity and spreads the word. Spreading the word recruits more ppl to the cause. Recruiting more ppl to the cause quickens the downfall of the establishment. Seem very effective to me, especially considering we're still talking abt it days later.

People have this thing against Trump, but having masses of people trying to 'gang' up against him and vote someone they don't like either just to ensure he doesn't win is plain nonsense, and stupid too, and an micro-affront to democracy. Just imagine this happening to Obama, and people voting McCain or Romney (whom


"…. and very few, if any, will vote for Trump." lmao. The tears come election day will be glorious

lol. Trump over Hilary-pants-on-fire anyday. Johnson over both.

Lmao. Your examples don't make sense. He never explicitly said Obama was from Kenya, but that he doubts that he was born in the US. Whether it's true or not, it doesn't change the fact that that's what he believes. There's a difference between being wrong about an issue and lying. Learn the difference, 'dude'.

They have, and are now voting for Trump. That lead today, after the DNC convention, is not a coincidence.

Too bad we'll never find out.

Booing because evidence of establishment efforts to undermine your candidate doesn't seem too far-fetched to me

Oh please. Save all that. She is NO better than Trump. At best, you can say she and Trump are on the same level, though I do believe Trump is a better choice than her. Why? Hillary seems like that old version of a politician: one that would lie, manipulate, deceive, and make so many back deals that she wouldn't even

#plottwist Hillary is actually the Anti-Christ.

It's lovely seeing everyone crying about Trump, including mainstream media who have never put out positive news about him. But, sadly, the same won't be done for Hilary. Which is funny cos Trump will win this election BECAUSE of Hilary. How anyone can think Hilary will make a better president than Trump escapes me.

LOL. Lots of butthurt ppl on this thread today. Amazing.

Obviously you're no amateur…. Kudos!

Someone's butthurt… Use some vaseline next time

Touche. Like they say, awareness is the first step

Spitball elsewhere. You're making no sense. You can only rely on that line of reasoning now because Trump won. If they had won, you won't be using that rhetoric. Also, I'm sure at the very beginning when Trump announced his candidacy, you wouldn't have pegged him or any of the 'few reality TV stars' to win.

And did he stand a chance when he first announced his presidency? Did even you know that then as well?