
Next episode arya wakes up in a hotel room in california with a completely different accent.

This show sucks now

I agree wholeheartedly with the reviewer's assessment of Margaery in this episode.

Within three episodes bran will go back and tell himself not to let that guy touch him. The starks are like that lately. Sansa jumps from a tower, nah shes fine. Arya goes blind, nope actually she's not. Whoa Jon is dead, wait nope he's alive now

Lol we found out who is funding the sons of the harpy…

And he's got that built in bullshit excuse every single time, its not he who's right it comes from the gods. God damn I hate his guts

Haha I hate the high sparrow more than anyone. Such a snake. He's good with words though, everytime he talks you kind of think he's a good guy and then you remember he keeps loras in a cage permanently just for being a poo pusher

Since Arya didn't get a smack when she said she had a half brother, does that mean Jon is actually Ned's kid?

Cersei had over 20 babies killed within the first few episodes of the series

Pretty lifeless performance by Kit Harrington in this one

didn't know what this song was until I clicked the youtube vid and then I realized it was day bow bow

I liked this show but it could have been way better. I'm one of the few people who puts Boardwalk in my top 5 and I can't help but think this show fucked me out of another full season of that.

I'm teaching my son the 5 R's of success. Roids, wRestling, Reality TV, Racism, and Recorded Sex. If he just follows those key principles, he can be richer than hogan one day

yeah forrest gump is awesome, not sure why thats supposed to be a knock on the show so far.

the first time i saw these guys was at some festival, me and my buddy snuck onto the stage and stood right behind the drummer. that guy is fucking good

any of the last 10 sexiest men alive winners would do

pretty sure I saw bowie in the episode previews

If it were a film about Michael Jackson time traveling back to 1831 and leading a slave revolt, then we'd have something. Not interested otherwise

hahah megadeth is for riffs and solos jesus christ stop taking yourself so seriously

this is the only band featured in Such Hawks Such Hounds that I don't like