
Lol he had that black lady eating out of his hand, he's a sweet old man when he wants to be

I mean Mike is old. He could have had him butter up one of those old ladies and cut him in for a bit of cash

lol I hate when the reviewer fucks something up and then half the comments call it out

Yes he plays a character that takes chuck hostage with a water gun filled with hot sauce

Sometimes you have to threaten to kill one measly baby in order to avoid a battle with a few thousand casualites. I thought it was good work by Jamie there

Well Dany basically still owns Mereen maybe she can work out a good trade deal between the continents like Trump is going to do here

Because they waited for varys to get back to mereen before they left, or who cares. Either works for me

I'm surpised they're being so hard on it considering the main theme was women displaying shitloads of AGENCY

Trial by Wildfire has a nice ring to it

Yeah I knew exactly what was going to happen in every scene just before it actually did, but the episode was just so well done it didn't matter to me. I soured big time on this show over the course of seasons 4 and 5 but I'm glad they were able to redeem it with this season. Sure there were some dumb storylines and

Lol before anyone bitches about this "spoiler" please understand its your own fucking fault if you haven't seen the wire by now

Stop trying to make Red Septing happen

You did a great job explaining why the timeline makes sense. Then you said the coronation would take time. It happened after most everything else in the episode, so yes

Haha the part where the sand snakes were about to open their mouths and say something dumb, and then the Queen of Thorns just shut their asses down one by one was great. Almost leads me to believe the writers know how poorly they were written all along

Well yeah but Cersei wansn't crowned until after Jaime got back from the twins, leaving enough time for all that to happen.

Remember last season or maybe the season before that when he was just mowing people down with that huge fucking log? He should have brought that thing into battle

No way to confirm this, but maybe they tried to film a fight scene and he was just too old to pull it off and it looked dumb, then after that they wrote in the line about him not having a swordfight in years. Again no way to confirm this but I feel like I'm 100% correct

usually it doesn't matter when a reviewer makes a ridiculously wrong and dumb observation, because the comments are good and the reviews are lame, but in this case it really blows because now there's a shitload of comments about the letter brienne had, and everyone already knows which letter was which, except for ol

he's wanted to kill his brother since he was a kid, doesn't matter to him why he gets a chance to do it, it just matters he gets the chance

Problematic scene. Yara abusing her agency by engaging with a prostitute who is most likely a human trafficking victim