
Lol There's been an uptick in coverage of gun violence

If he dies, he dies

Weiner thought the actor who played him was a dick.

no i think the author believes any viewpoint against blm or the ferguson protests is automatically racist so he was was worried about any criticism before he even knew what it might be

dead meadow > dead weather

haha if an particular issue can't stand up to criticism then its not worth supporting

the author was worried the show might criticize black lives matter and the ferguson protests?

Bill Nye the Bachelor's Degree in Engineering and Neil DeGrasse Tyson the Smug Windbag Asshole

Pretty great actress, pretty dogshit standup act

its is okay to shoot michael brown for trying to grab your gun tho

Might be OK but doesn't look like any of the characters are gonna get shot so he's right nobody will watch it

All those years in the closet makes them devious

They would have tortured the fuck out of him for Ani's location

The guy who already asked this question on the comment board invented the joke of determining who the true detective is. I can only hope to be half as funny as he is one day

Kind of lame but burris could have been tracking pauls phone

Durr this show sucks because I suck at remembering names

Your dad doesn't have to have red hair for you to have red hair. When someone tells you a drug is "pure molly", that means its cut with something else

lol no

She said kit as in rape kit not kid

Haha yeah I like pretty much everything about this season so far except for PAUL