
I initially bitched about the grade but now I see what he did here after reading most of these comments

Not sure why everyone automatically assumes season 2 is going to have the same structure with 2 lead characters. Has that been confirmed anywhere?

Can't believe people are still bringing up these theories about Maggie and the daughters and the father in law. None of that shit is gonna have any part in the finale


Why did the first episode get a grade then?

So out of all the recent reviews on TV club, only SNL got a worse grade….in other words pull your head out of your ass erik

Nice touch at the end with the lawnmower guy mowing the lawn in a spiral pattern

Sliver lining? C review

you're overthinking it, maggie and marty's daughters will probably be a minimal part of the story from now on

devastating in that she left marty and took the girls immediately after she found out about lisa, and cunning as in she's probably going to do something smart to keep the black detectives off rust's back in the next episode. no way she's going to be the killer, she's just talking her character up as much as she can

so many viewers are obsessed with figuring out who the killer is but they have to remember that this is a world where nothing is solved. i honestly don't think we're ever going to find out what actually happened

pretty sure the show itself is the flat circle, the storyline is non-linear and the audience has the fourth dimensional perspective. the series will end but from our perspective the story keeps repeating itself every time we watch

Heard wu tang and primus but I didn't catch sleep, yet another reason to watch this episode again

those biker assholes scared the fuck out of me. The Iron Crusaders have had about 20 minutes of screentime and they're already better than anything on Sons of Anarchy

in principle some of this shit is true but this comment blows

fuck now we'll never get to see him play the penguin in the dark knight

well a large group of people who trash the show haven't ever watched it. the blind shit talk drives a lot of discussion surrounding the show but that's not going to translate to ratings necessarily

well maybe "universal" was a bad word to use there, but everyone knows that 18-49 year old males are the most important demographic when it comes to ratings, and these shows just don't appeal to that group on a large scale.

critics and writers may like girls and looking a lot because there's so much to write about and it makes their jobs easier, but low ratings shouldn't come as some kind of huge surprise. They're decent shows but one is for girls and one is for gays…its not like their premises have universal appeal like mob stories

True Detective has a character named Eli too?