
I've never seen a show where two actors performed this well. That woman's left and right boobs each deserve an emmy

You know what I love about dead prostitutes? I keep getting older, and they stay the same age.

I think I'll give this a B because if the subsequent episodes which I haven't seen yet turn out to be even better than this, I can give them an A and my whole letter grading system will still make sense

her and her two boobs, that's 3 female characters right there

I've always thought that letter grades for specific episodes of series' was pretty dumb, and I think this show is going to make that even more apparent each week

Just realized the reason they had Richard explain the glasses were only so his face would stay on, is because they didn't want him to have to wear glasses in the final scene when they show his whole face

in other words, all his questions would have been answered by simply watching the show

well before this S4 his performance didn't really stand out at all but its undeniable that he was one of the best played characters this season

His future brother in law kept calling him Rick, but I don't think anyone ever got away with calling him a dick

That fight scene reminded me of Tony vs Ralph in The Sopranos, except it was even better

Don't understand the dissatisfaction with the death of Harrow. That was probably the best send off for any character in the history of TV, and was much better than having him stick around a few more seasons to come off the bench and fix everything for Nucky. His entire arc this season was absolutely incredible.

no, but even a child can see that these episodes aren't that good and they're just getting good reviews because GoT fans love GoT references

Everyone loves game of thrones, this sp is about game of thrones, so A

i like the way they present those bits because they serve as a good contrast to scenes that are supposed to show how some things today are exactly the same as they were then

i like this show but these episode titles are miserable. lol i can imagine sutter plugging words into google translate thinking how smart he is

unser is by far the best character on this show

haha "shoulder on"

the new layout is really easy to navigate and looks awesome on my cell phone browser, people will bitch but they'll keep coming back, kind of like a lot of people who watch this show

All the Internet's troubles come from Web developers inability to sit alone in a room and do nothing

noticed this too, guy kind of talked like brody also