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    Re-watching this ten years later, I'm struck by the delicate writing and especially the acting. In this episode, Jeremy Sisto was the standout. His portrayal of the heavily medicated but still lucid Billy was just heartbreaking, and profound.

    YES. I watched it soon after my mentor (and sort of second mother) had died, and I spent two months taking care of her belongings and estate. That was ten years ago, and I'm watching it again… it had a profound effect on me at the time. I feel it less in the gut now, and more in the head. Still great characters and so

    Yes, Benjen is Coldhands.

    I think something crucial happened in Dany's storyline this week, though it was subtle- the idea that she is a much better conqueror than she is a ruler.

    Ooh nice catch

    Oh, there is not a shadow of doubt in my mind that this terrible discovery of his power is going to play a significant part in the events to come.

    Everyone's hating on Bran right now, but no one's going to be hating more on Bran than Bran himself. Imagine the impact this event is going to have on him. Come to Jesus moment is an understatement.
    Up until now, he was still a child. He is a child no longer. And he's going to take his responsibilities a lot more

    Ah, but it _was_ necessary. If Wylis had not been Hodor-ed, he- and therefore Bran- wouldn't have been there (in the tree) in the first place. Mind-fuck!

    Especially since he was up against the best swordsman in the known world. He wouldn't have had a chance without Howland Reed's assistance.

    I believe Bran's direwolf, Summer, is also still alive. So that makes three.

    Maybe your library has it? Mine does. Obviously not the current season, but if it's out on DVD, it's likely the library stocks it.

    Yeah, I don't really understand all this "oh, Odo's a bad person now" sentiment. He followed all the "rules" of BDSM to a tee- I was waiting for him to give her a safeword!

    Yeah, I absolutely do not think Rollo is betraying Ragnar. There's not been much dramatic buildup to make it plausible; but more importantly, something about that look they exchanged as Ragnar was sailing away… I think it's all part of the long con.

    Yeah, I don't get this "too young" thing. Megan's age has been established as 20. Her mother looks to be in her late 40s. It was standard for women then to have children in their early 20s. I just don't see the problem with the timeline.

    I loved that little giggle.

    I only got erotic fascination from Grandma. The office kids were just garden-variety-morbidly-fascinated.

    I couldn't agree more. It was really obvious during that back-and-forth they did a few episodes ago.

    I don't understand what's hardly credible about Betty's command of Italian.

    I don't understand how enjoying her wine makes her an alcoholic.

    That was the most chilling "Sally, go watch TV" yet on this show. I was truly shocked by the adults' unwillingness to guide Sally through this event.