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    Yes they do have club soda, but not nearly as much as Don put in there. Just a splash.

    Speaking of no detail ever being random on this show:

    THANK YOU so much for this.

    There, ftfy

    That little note of Harry running out in tears, was just perfect. Whoever wrote that in needs all the Emmys (even though it's too late for that). Fucking perfection right there.

    I would disagree with "unnecessary". It wasn't meant as persuasion, but politesse.

    I guess you've never seen La Dolce Vita. Which, by the way, came out in… 1960! Nice touch, Weiner! Oh wait…

    More like late '70s. I remember having a touch-tone phone- and how exciting it was!- around that time, and we were very far from affording luxury items.

    The first three are definitely worth reading. The last two… well, by that time you'll be hooked and won't be able to help yourself, but don't get your hopes up.


    That's my default. Didn't help

    That is great to hear, really. Thanks.
    Also +1 for "miasma"

    Well, this discussion board is totally unreadable, and makes me fear for humanity (more than usual).

    Interesting that Stan says, "I'm good at what I do, and I'm OK with that" or somesuch.

    I also liked the fact that he told Joan that she looked great and actually meant it sincerely, without an agenda. Somehow that was a very sweet moment for me- Joan being acknowledged for the astonishing beauty that she is, without creepiness, and in the context of acknowledging the prowess she has to offer. Kudos, Ken!

    Duck delivered one of my favorite comic moments when he looked around for the elevator right before Pete shut the door. Pure comedy gold

    I feel fortunate that I am still, after all these years, so enraptured by the opening sequence itself that I forget to look at the names.

    Agreed- he was gracious and amused more than anything else.

    I agree with this. Having grown up in mafia Brooklyn, I can say that this culture was very slow to change with the times.

    Maybe his height won't matter that much, as he'll be all, you know, melded into a tree and stuff.