
I must admit, my opinion is partially influenced by the books, so Arya not forgetting the traditions and laws of the north is an interpretation that can only be made in hindsight.

"The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, and we hold to the belief that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his
final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man
does not

Moira supposedly told Ra's that Malcolm still lives, so I think it's rather safe to assume the LoA knows he lives.

You must have missed the part where Slade exchanged Oliver and Ivo for the engineer, that was with Sara, three episodes ago.

Yeah, I heard of that name outside of fantasy works before. You're right.

Maybe you should watch it again. A stone on the right hand side (left hand side from Sansa's POV) of Sansa's necklace is missing. taryn and the other people in the comments who noticed it are right.

I'm not really sure what you are asking about.

What I was trying to say when I said your whole argument is based on heavy interpretation and speculation, is that it was way too far-fetched in my opinion.

You still didn't say who you mean with "they", but I guess you mean the directors and writers of the show. Obviously the viewer learns Widow's Wail and Jaime's sword are Ice reforged, but that doesn't mean the people of Westeros are aware of this.

That's a lot of speculation and interpretation coming from you. I can claim and say everyone forgot about Ice and could not connect the dots. Or that Sansa thought about something entirely different when Joffrey drew Widow's Wail, like the other swords he presented to her and made her kiss (Lion's Tooth and

Yeah, everyone's heard about the Red Wedding and the end of the Stark army, so? Sure it's possible the random guy shouted Wolfsbane because "Joffrey" was the bane of the wolfs, but that's not what you originally said.

Who are "they"? The only one who alluded to Ice was Tywin, when he gave the other sword to Jaime.

It takes me five seconds to google "game of thrones locke" (and please don't tell me you had no idea you had to add "game of thrones", the quote involved "Jon Snow"). Unless you are trying to play dumb, I can't see how you can't find out which Locke I was talking about.

No one (but possibly the smith, Tywin and Jaime) knows how and where Tywin got a freshly forged Valyrian Steel sword, so the origin of Widow's Wail is unknown to everyone else.

Alright, now you're just playing dumb. Google helps if you don't remember names.

Sigur Ros is the band that played during the wedding (and performed the Rains of Castamere arrangement in the credits). See the other comments. Googling Sigur Ros also would have given you immediate results, btw.

He was quoting Locke.

I'm not usually one to defend Stannis, but he did offer Renly to name him heir until Stannis would get a son (which basically meant Renly would really become his heir because everyone knew Stannis shunned his wife). Stannis tried to negotiate, he never wanted to fight Renly and from Renly's conversation with Catelyn

He spoiled, which is absolutely forbidden here. That's why his comment is now deleted. And instead of apologizing or immediately deleting his comment, he arrogantly tried to say it wasn't such a major spoiler and I'm pretty sure it was.

Assuming what you write is correct, you already ruined the fun for some people as they now expect things. It doesn't matter who the other involved party is, you spoiled events and that makes you an ass.