
This season has so many holes that were never explained.

Honestly, Killer Frost should have frozen the entire air around her and I would have understood how she was able to catch a speedster in time (I think Cpt. Cold has such an ability in the comics). But fine, let her defeat Black Flash. (I don't even know how BF could actually die. He should be back. Also, where were

Kinda disappointed how quickly he got his job back. It makes sense, as Julian now knows that Barry is The Flash, but this could have been an opportunity to explore what Barry could do with STAR Labs and its assets (besides HR's museum idea).

Well, at least we know it's Iris. That is far better than staring at a piece of stone and speculating whose it is.

When "Harrison Wells" died. Thawne, as a gesture of good(?) will, gave STAR Labs to Barry and a confession to release Barry's father from prison.

Meta-reason: Because Killer Frost's cold kiss is an iconic move of hers. Also, to make SnowBarry shippers squeal.

Barry has often been told (and should have learned) that just jumping back into the past and trying to fix things can make everything worse. If he's doing it again (and if it wasn't because of the villain destroying the entire city or something), I'll be extremely disappointed in him.

Btw, did anyone see the 'Frozen' reference at the warehouse where Caitlin kept Julian? There was a truck parked there and the company's name was "Ledded Goh - Frozen Foods".

There is a video on the CW youtube channel where they give a sneak peek of upcoming costumes, like Vibe's or Killer Frost's (well, we didn't see much of it when Cisco vibed her last episode, but in the BTS video, you can clearly see it). She doesn't show off "the girls".

In my opinion, it's more like her powers make her let go (no pun intended) of all of her restraint and frustration. There was a lot of bitterness and resentment when "Killer Frost" was talking.

I had to laugh when I heard Ravi's rival's name "Dr. Metzger". Metzger is the German word for Butcher.

"You crossed a line!"
"There are lines, and then there are lines.
"You make your own lines."

Morena Baccarin voices a character on the show.

Lyla asked Diggle and he said they left her at her neighbor's, when the exchange happened.

I'm pretty sure Tommy mentioned that Oliver's family took care of him while his father was gone. He even said Robert Queen was more of a father to him, than Malcolm.

Wrong. Watch episode 9 again. Barry runs with yellow lightning. The Reverse-Flash runs with red lightning, heck, Cisco even mentions this again at the beginning of last episode.

There was a red and a yellow lightning, when Barry's mother was killed. The red lightning belongs to the Reverse-Flash, the yellow one to the other speedster (The Flash, presumably). Wells running with red lightning only furthers the suspicion that he is the man in the yellow suit that killed Nora Allen.

At the end of the episode, I was expecting something like:

If it's about spoilers… I didn't really go further than the series. Rather, the books obviously are more detailed (and are written from a character's POV - in this case Arya's) and thus give more room for interpretation and speculation. Unlike in the tv series, there are also flashbacks (and more warg scenes) in the