
He was supposed to marry Lysa, to woo the Vale back into the Seven Kingdoms, as it is, besides Dorne, the only other uninvolved region in Westeros.

Wow. What an ass you are.

Stannis is an atheist since his parents' death. He trusts Melisandre because she really has powers, though. He does listen to Melisandre, but he considers his options and only executes people if they are breaking the law, as it fits his (admittedly partially hypocritical) code of honour and justice. Lord Florent was

I see. Well, I guess this makes sense then.

"My own wedding was so much better in hindsight." What Tyrion thought when he saw Joffrey dying. And goddamn, he is right.

All of Robert's children seem to have coal black hair (and deep blue eyes too in the books). The seed of the Baratheon family is strong. The general rule "The seed is strong" doesn't apply to everyone. Look at Catelyn's children. Arya seems to share more similarities with her father, that's true. Sansa on the other

Well, it's probably obvious if one knows all the facts, but the way Oberyn talked about the "other woman" gives other vibes between Rhaegar and Lyanna than the way Robert portrayed Rhaegar, since both Robert (and now Oberyn) are obviously biased.

Hm, can't see my comment anymore. Was my answer inappropriate? I posted a theory without any spoilers or book references. In fact, I used material from the tv series and the official HBO viewers guide… Fine, I can post it again.

After watching the promo (interesting fact that this is the episode GRRM chose to write for this season), I might wanna change my opinion now.

Nothing to do with spoilers, even I understand the Martells would love nothing more than to kick Lannister asses and get revenge for Elia.

Drogon (the black one) is noted to be larger and more aggressive than Rhaegal and Viserion in the books. Balerion, called the Black Dread, was the biggest of the three dragons the three Targaryen siblings rode and was the dragon of Aegon the Conqueror. Many think Drogon is his reincarnation.

Drogon (the black one) is noted to be larger and more aggressive than Rhaegal and Viserion in the books. Balerion, called the Black Dread, was the biggest of the three dragons the three Targaryen siblings rode and was the dragon of Aegon the Conqueror. Many think Drogon is his reincarnation.

Jaime truly loves Cersei. It's creepy, but nothing in the seasons before happened, that would make him dislike her (nothing he would know). Once he realizes what an unfaithful biatch Cersei actually is, he might change, regarding her.

There is no way they are gonna wrap up the rest of book 4 and 5, that is not already done in this season in season 5. Storm of Swords and Dance with Dragons are the longest books. Too many things still have to happen, which I won't elaborate.

All members of the main branch of House Nymeros Martell of Dorne are called Princes and Princesses. Dorne joined the Seven Kingdoms not by conquest but marriage. Dorne follows Dornish law and House Martell is true to their words "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken".

Slynt was never a knight, though he was made Lord of Harrenhal, if that's any indication why he immediately got such a high position in the Night's Watch. Also, he loves to kiss Lannister asses (except for Tyrion).

I believe the one who is responsible for all the "sexy scenes" in GoT was delighted to hear/read that Oberyn Martell gets around a lot, beds both men and women and that Ellaria is even lustier, so he can show the viewers more boobs. The show doesn't need these scenes, they could have handled it differently imo…

"In the flashback where they are exchanging Oliver for a guy strapped to TNT, wouldn't Slade have only had one eye by then? "

Wouldn't it also make sense to let Shado live because he is blaming himself for her father's death, the one who protected him and sent him to Slade? And there are also Shado-related feelings, no doubt.

Arrow: "Slow, stupid and ugly."
Grundy: "Grundy not slow!"