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    “It is easy to get pedantic with this sort of thing, chortling at his various punctuation errors and typos, a domain that often is, truly, be the last refuge of the small-minded.” I MUST KNOW if the error here was intentional.

    Ohh I do sort of remember this. Guess I got thrown off because it also sounds like something that could be said OF him. Poor misunderstood Shia!

    See what's funny about this is I think you're trying to say that someone would say this about Shia LaBeouf but as it's formatted, it really just looks like he's being quoted and is the person actually saying this. And this doesn't sound like something someone who lacks self-awareness would say.

    The only thing that would make this better is Yakety Sax. I'm sure that's traditionally with a different instrument but we could make due. Everything is instantly funnier with the addition of Yakety Sax.

    It's possible that has something to do with it, but from what I remember of that vicious NYT review, it wasn't just the food in his restaurant, it was everything, so it's also just surprising that he failed on so many different levels. I understand that good food is easier said than done but atmosphere seems like it

    It's hardly surprising for Reddit that the enthusiasm was because it was about their dicks.

    I wasn't really aware of this propensity but this is funny to me because I was just reading the comment thread of the Guy Fieri story in which she mentioned something horrible he did (albeit homophobic and not misogynistic but still) and that story was weirdly about how he might not actually be as terrible as his

    It really is baffling that his own restaurants are so bad when he obviously doesn't have horrible taste in food himself. Where did he go wrong?

    I don't feel one way or the other about Guy Fieri but I truly love that show. I don't know if it's because I only ever watch it while on the treadmill at the gym and it makes the food look so good, but I do really also appreciate how much he highlights smaller, family-owned businesses. Hating on him because not every

    I'm sure approximately no one is surprised this movie was bad, but I saw Fifty Shades Darker in theaters. I didn't expect it to be good but the first one was at least entertaining. The second one just bored me to tears because of its mediocrity.

    As a national organization, the Boy Scouts only recently started allowing gay men to be troop leaders so I would not be at all surprised if they didn't necessarily want to say no.

    idk, I thought this was pretty par for the course for him, mainly in that the character is a fucking weirdo maniac. He is disturbingly good at nailing the weirdo maniacs.

    I've seen Ted Leo and the Pharmacists upwards of I want to say 10 times but I can't remember now if that count includes solo performances with just Ted Leo. Including solo shows, at least a dozen times. Needless to say I'm obsessed. There's a photo floating around facebook of me and some of my high school friends with

    I have a hard time believing that any women would allow him to get that close to their genitals, but sources (i.e. Barron's face) tell me that he has biological children, so color me baffled.

    Oh mannnn I remember reading this editorial when it came out and being pretty pissed about what an asshole Harold Bloom was. Not sure if I was really the target audience he was referring to though, because rather than encourage me to read, I think it just shifted my focus away from Holocaust memoirs, much to the

    In a deeply depressing way, Harry Potter signifies to me just another way in which the internet kind of ruins everything. I was undeniably obsessed with the series and was one of those who grew up with the characters, but when I say "obsessed" I mean OBSESSED, as in, I had read the books so many times that I would get

    "Terrible experience" is like the understatement of the century.

    I can't hear that song now without laughing uproariously. I also can't see the poster for the play/musical/whatever of the same name without laughing either, which gets kind of problematic and weird in public. But yeah, there are times I think that moment isn't as great as I remember, but then I re-watch it and I'm

    I don't know what it says about me that I thought it was fucking great.

    Thank the lord for that. I just meant I love Sgt. Pepper and generally am a fan of the Beatles, but fucking hate that song.