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    I wanted to read this all the way through but I got to Erik's response and immediately got Yellow Submarine stuck in my head, rendering me unable to comprehend anything further. I don't know Pet Sounds well at all so I can't really come down objectively on one side or the other of this and I do love Sgt. Pepper but

    I know everyone and their mother is now obsessed with this show but tbh one of the things I didn't like much about the most recent season was the plethora of huge celebrity cameos. Most of them were extremely unnecessary and really just seemed to be there because the Big Stars wanted to be involved. Ugh, Hollywood

    I was not expecting to get a real answer to my non-question here. I actually didn't even consider this, thanks for the info!

    I was surprised that the Nixon Library is even a thing.

    I don't get it, can't they just break his contract and fire him? It seems like it wouldn't even be breaking his contract if he was accused of doing something that (please god I hope) is in violation of his contract. Then again, I guess the key word there is "accused," so if we're going to get technical about it…

    In Kevin's defense, the K IS right above the M.

    Same. I felt especially gratified and smug about it once I read this article, even though it was more luck that refusing to provide an email was especially smart.

    If you actually SPOKE with someone who went to Planned Parenthood you would know that this is patently false. Based on this bullshit claim about the "majority of services" being abortions, I should know at least one person who has received an abortion from PP and I've never met anyone who has. I'm not at all saying

    I honestly need someone to tell me if that double negative question requires a yes or no because I honestly don't even know what either response means anymore.

    My "most positive" comment is apparently: "Most of the time I'm grateful and happy that I naturally got stuck with a body that is considered conventionally attractive," which I personally find to be kind of a depressing statement about society in general, so I'm not so sure about the accuracy either.

    On the other side of that, the site took a lot of my sarcastic comments, clearly negative to any human reading them, as positive. It's a flawed system.

    One of my negatives was my grandmother's fault.

    The biggest one to me is that I finally watched a (non-2016) Star Wars movie, which I feel like makes me the last person on the planet to have done so, and I thought that was my only major milestone. But your 2017 list made me realize I knocked out a lot of that this year minus Gossip Girl (which I had already

    I also prefer knitting but it was worth the sacrifice to work on this. Then again, each square was 4,320 stitches (I did 3) so I think I'm good for a while.

    I never watch him anymore either but I got a ticket to see him at the Apollo while he's filming in New York and I am SO excited.

    Well now I'M proud that this became a teachable moment. But yes, she just made me a PB&J and brought it to my basement lair.

    YES, I was finally on the right side of an internet disagreement. I should go tell my mom, she would be proud.

    I mean, I guess I was technically wrong in correcting you but I wouldn't say that you won since your usage of the word is generally frowned upon in the past couple centuries: "Infer has been used to mean 'to hint or suggest' since the 16th century by speakers and writers of unquestioned ability and eminence: 'The next

    Infer: to deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
    Imply: strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated).

    I can't claim to be omnipotent about these kinds of thing; I actually read about the correlation on a non-entertainment-related website so I was just surprised that a website primarily dedicated to entertainment would fail to even mention it, even if it is obvious.