awkward nickname

I think the whales might be able to avoid beaching themselves when it's light and that's why the narrator makes the point that soon it will be morning….?

God, Bee movie. That bit where the mother bee says "I hope she's Bee-ish!" Possibly the worst computer animated film I have ever seen. Ugh. I hope she's Bee-ish….

No marking for your word.

No no no no no no no. No. One doesn't.

God, the hype is approaching Anchorman two levels….

His face is a little bit fat in this picture.

OH my Gosh, that is one helluva set of star wars photos. Carrie has such a lovely smile.

I'd never heard of him before - the paper I read about this story said he was a movie critic and writes reviews in some sort of publication. Is his work often punctuated by the masterful "fuck you, kiss my Ass" motifs?

The one bit of that film I can remember is Tom's face when he ate some hummus.

I think it has been remade a few times hasn't it? There have been several tv versions here in the UK. If only there were some easy way for me to check this, by using some sort of internet search engine for example…

Yes indeed. The sight of a male duck corpse renders them almost insane with lust - drives them quackers, if you will.

The internet and fapping are not entirely unassociated concepts.

Lighten up! There's a mound of earth over there, relieve some of that tension.

Stewart Lee did a bit about the Christian values of the emperor penguins struggle against snow (the March of the Penguins) being undermined slightly by the homosexual necrophiliac tendencies of ducks. Ducks are mad for it.

I don't want to google it, but fap means wank, correct?

"What the..? Get that ferret out of here!"

And send them to a Christian gay re-education counsellor/zoo.

Ferrets frotting pebbles is also a disturbing mental image. The squeaking…

It's not hilarious - that kid still gives me nightmares. The one who's 'in love' and tells his Dad all about it. gruesome, creepy, horrible kid.

White bear was genuinely unpleasant and quite gripping. Unpleasant in a good way.