awkward nickname



There was a truly horrible episode of a daily chat show with Mr Icke on it when he first became quite ill - the audience were openly laughing at him and he couldn't understand them or the interviewer - the usually quite nice Terry Wogan. It was nausea-inducing at the time and he had clearly got through whatever

I can't look at it because I live in Britain, which seems to me a bit, well, unfair.

The nimon was the only monster who really scared me. I remember being frightened to go out on the landing from my bedroom to go to the toilet in case there was a Nimon there. Looming.

I know, it's not available in my country either, which is ridiculous because everyone loves the British.

and the magnets.

I saw Mike Leigh coming out of a train station in Hove once and said to my wife - look, that's Mike Leigh, the director! I then heard her telling an actor friend that we'd seen the famous director John Woo. True story.

I had an email read out by them once - I was very proud. It was a bit where you had to send in song lyrics or something, since you asked.

I just posted the same thing, before reading to the bottom to check if anyone else had, sorry. Anyway.


Yes, but for us, not for shrieking aliens/foreigners/socialists.

I am a waffler, bang to rights. What happens if I get down voted anyway?

What did I flip-flop about? I can't even resent the accusation as I don't know what I flipped about/over.

I know! Anal winking is a clinical term, right? So it's not rude at all, though poking it with a stick might be. I did consider using the word 'spurt' as well. Let's see if I get down voted again!

Though if you do spy a winking anus in a tree and elect to poke it with a stick for several minutes you shouldn't be surprised if it ejaculates on you for, like, ages.

So I just watched that because of you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I remember thinking about her trying to keep it together all that time, pretending to be a pod, not showing any emotion, until she saw the one person she thought she was safe with, the last real human she knew who then shrieked at her - the tension of it, yuk. Wasn't she in Alien as well? I seem to remember her

So horrible, so, so horrible. That last scene, the hopelessness.

At least he's not wearing a magic hat, adjustment bureau stylee.