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Hey man, kids gotta express themselves…you too Onion…very creative.

Karen did look like Rebecca Sugar…and Steven did say "Karen" in like the most loving way possible.

Someone said in the comments section of a review of a season 1 episode that since all of Steven's guardians are so accepting and loving of Steven, Mr. Smiley has taken the role of the adult heavy. It's nice to see a different side to Mr. Smiley while still staying true to his mildly exploitative nature. I also notice

Yeah, I'm watching a new set of blind reactors who are watching the show from the very beginning (they just finished "The Test"!) and the Boardies had a lot more to do with the Gem action in early season 1. I hope they'll get back there again. One of my favorite episodes was actually "Beach Party" because we got some

I'm going to wait for the whole season to air before I make a judgment as to whether they're relying too much on meta humor. I can take it in bits and pieces. I just personally find that meta humor can be a bit too self-congratulatory.

I preferred Mr. Smiley's little joke more than Garnet's line. I didn't find her line to be that funny. But then, I didn't enjoy the meta humor in Know Your Fusion like at all.

You do bring up an excellent point. His interactions with the Beach City humans will provide Steven with something he simply does not get with the Gems. In various episodes throughout the show, we see Steven truly learning lessons in human interaction, and simply how complicated and hard it can be to function with and

I did like the nod to Sinbad when he said he used to be a comedian. I think that line would have been awesome if Sinbad was still doing the voice, but he might take umbrage with the line "used to be"…just like how Mr. Smiley got mad at Steven for saying he "used to be" and R&B singer.

Yeah, this was unusually coy for this show. But maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much. I couldn't help but think their interaction, through the lens of being a comedy duo doing their bit, was super cute that maybe it was better this way.

I totally felt it, but maybe that's just me being a gay man and all that.

Yeah, I thought it was really about to cross the line, but then didn't. Frowney and Smiley were seriously cute together nonetheless.

I agree with you. I think those thinking Connie's conflict was just used to set up Steven's make a good, persuasive argument but it's sort of missing the point. It's really an illustration about them working together, but also being able to open to one another with their issues. I don't think it's a coincidence that

Nobody is ever the "only one".

He also plays mean guitar as evidenced in San Diego Comic Con 2016.

That was what I was thinking. Maybe Jeff will play a role in the future, just like I have no doubt that Ronaldo's girlfriend will make more appearances. I mean she has to…she's voiced by Deedee Magno Hall…so it's easy to include her.

If every pork chop were perfect…

There's just so much to unpack with this episode that I need time to process this. I will ask this one important question to you AV readers though….do you think the kid Jeff is based off of storyboarder Jeff Liu? I see a resemblance? I sort of have a crush on Jeff Liu, so maybe I'm just overthinking it.


Because when they're together, "they have fun." - Steven Universe. Plus, it's nice to see Steven interact with a playful big brother type who is at times too dramatic for his own good. It helps Steven use the imaginative/creative part of his brain.

I think it touches upon many things that comes with fandom. One, it was another case of some people who can't love things healthily, and two, it's another example of an entitled segment of the fanbase that thinks they have a right to dictate the creative direction of the show. Every creative team of a show/book/tv