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I like Mike's follow-up "name one!" with Selena shutting it down because she knows where that was headed.

This is the first season so far where I felt JLD could lose the Emmy and I'd be fine with that. I don't even know who her competition is anymore, but I still feel that way. Despite still being on her personal A-game and being the funniest woman on television right now, I don't think she has the material here that

I totally agree with all of this.

Love that those kids actually enjoyed the switch!

I'd love to see the rules of evidence and criminal procedure in Homeworld if there is one.

I love that Homeworld needs attorneys. To me, that seriously confirms the idea that not everything is so honky dory there and Homeworld gems do find themselves in serious trouble with Homeworld rules and regulations. The misfit gems also confirm that with homeworld gems seeking to fuse with one another despite knowing

I agree. I think there has been way too much investment in Steven's emotional and psychological dealings with the idea that Rose shattered Pink Diamond for the Crewniverse to suddenly pull a cliched and cheap "gotcha" move, though I did absolutely love how the Amy Sedaris Zircon put so many holes in the Rose shattered

Man, what a one hour special. I don't foresee the Crewniverse going too far away from their formula of having breather episodes that still provide some more world-building and/or character development and then having more plot-focused episodes, but there's a real sense that this a real point of no return for SU. I

Maybe it's not a coincidence that the show revealed he was a baker after the Big Donut employees were allowed to bake their own donuts again.

Funny out of all the questionable judgments Doug made in this episode, the one that stuck out to me was the fact that he let Steven and Connie put on costumes when the costumes were evidence for an alleged shoplifting and lost possessions from a shop. What if Steven and Connie lost bits and pieces of the costume while

There were no cracks in the cake after he rolled it into a Swiss roll and the frosting inside seemed to be well spread and full but not too full for too much of it squeezing out. His technique is excellent.

A lot of people who have deep seated anxiety and insecurity and worry so much about presenting themselves in socially-acceptable or even socially celebrated manners really internalized a lot of their insecurity and live in their head. A lot of Lars' anxieties are things he imagines. To me, this hints that he is a

I agree with this. People think there always has to be a REASON for someone's personality. Sometimes the reasons aren't directly external or easily identifiable. No, Lars is not abused by his parents, as far as we know, the people of Beach City don't seem to be too jerky to him from what we see, the Cool Kids actually

As much as his baking seemed to come out of nowhere, at least we knew he took pride in his cooking in "Island Adventure"…after he was sort of forced to cook and Sadie gave a comment about him being a good cook the first time he did it.

I loved both episodes. This felt like Bob's Burgers of old when Bob and Linda actually had substantive things to do rather than be given after thought plots that seemed to become the norm in the past few seasons. I also loved how all-in Gretchen was sneaking the doll out and came up with that elaborate plan. Also,

I've been feeling that way about a lot of the Bob's Burgers reviews lately. It's as if the reviewer keeps talking about how he would write the episode instead.

As a lawyer, this episode deserved an "A" just because it was so great to see Louise in action and even I felt what the judge felt she had inside of her. It brought back my feelings as to why I wanted to go to law school in the first place. I also thought that moment between Louise and Mr. Frond when they're talking

I had a similar feeling actually after "Rose's Room" in season 1. I decided to take a break from the show as I wasn't feeling it as strongly as I used to (not that I had much choice considering a hiatus happened), and even found Steven to be really annoying by the end of that episode. Then a few months later, I

The cautionary tale about sleep deprivation is always good. I also wonder if this is going to be the start of a slight change of direction the Crewniverse is going to take with Ronaldo. I honestly thought this is the most "realistic" he's been on the show. I've related to his fandom and OTT before, but seeing this

I actually liked what they did with Ronaldo here because I think it slightly changed the course for him. This is the most serious I've ever seen Ronaldo and even his voice actor decided to play Ronaldo a bit less broad with his line delivery. I think it's a start of Ronaldo being treated as a more serious, but still