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I hope I didn't come off as saying one should never critique the show. Like you said, nothing is perfect, and I appreciate many thoughtful critiques I've read. The Bismuth episode and the following ones that touched upon the themes of Bismuth was loaded and created a huge discussion/debate about the way the

It's just Adzl33t's catch phrase. He's used variations of that line in other episodes when it clearly wasn't the case. Being glib is sort of his thing here.

I see that, but I also think one needs to be careful with making sure one's application of critiques actually fit, and a problem I have with a lot of amateur "analysis" and "criticism" I read on the Internet (and professional ones for that matter) is that comes off as the commentator just confusing personal preference

I think Amethyst probably had short hair. I think it was just Steven imagining Amethyst with that hair just like how he and Connie imagined Garnet and Pearl with that vaguely colonial period clothing. Maybe I'm just hanging on to that, but so is Michaela Dietz who said in a Con that it's clear Amethyst had a thing for

Jamie is getting more attractive with every episode.

Rose couldn't force the other gems to do that. She may have tried to encourage them, but I believe Rose was all about letting the gems discover for themselves how they wanted to live their lives. Anyway, Pearl did some things, like observe the human rituals of knighthood, even if that brought up some questions about

I don't know if I'd agree that SU has a warped shallow almost unquestioning viewpoint on humans…at least I won't say that until the series is complete. I mean we've seen some shitty things human characters have done in the show (Marty, Kevin, Lars, Sadie in Island Adventure, Jenny in regards to Kiki at times, etc. for

Rebecca Sugar, in an interview promoting SU before the show even premiered, mentioned how she wanted to create a show under the "reverse escapism theory" which is that the "fantasy world and fantasy characters" become interested in "real life", so essentially, through the Crystal Gems, the show is allowing the

Yeah, or maybe even with the violent nature of early-era humans (I'm also going to assume war and international conflict still exist, if on a smaller scale, in this world even if we don't see it from our Steven and the Crystal Gem-perspective of how the world exists), Rose saw the beauty of growth that humans were

They really are. They provide another forum where we can see the relationships that the characters have with one another that just adds to the intimacy we're used to from the show through stories that the show simply doesn't have time to fit in.

Maybe because if the lions were pink, Jamie…I mean Buddy would have made note of it since that's not common.

I definitely agree with you. My first thought after the whole Smokey Quartz fight sequence was Spider-Man, joking and non-stop commentary and everything.

I have a feeling this episode will play a lot better when we binge watch and know another episode is coming up, much like "House Guest", another somewhat light episode that followed a heavy one, was for people, though I really enjoyed "House Guest" and thought it had one of the best songs. That's more than I can say

The Road Runner was way too impressed with itself.

I love love love "Tiger Millionaire" and I love Lars in it.

"Lars and the Cool Kids" had one of the show's first gut punches for me when Lars called Rose Steven's "weird mom." It was the first time Steven lost his temper.

It looked like a manga called "Pretty Hairstylist". She was on volume 3. It would probably be adapted into one-season Japanese drama series that's going to be adapted into a K-Drama and a Taiwanese Drama.

And don't forget in "Monster Buddies" that the bubbling was not meant to be permanent and that Rose was trying to figure out a way to cure the corrupted gems. I know she hadn't found a way yet, it's not as if she was in a real time crunch considering that gems live indefinitely. Maybe that's one reason she decided to

If this got a C+, then I really wonder what "Secret Team" would have received.

To determine the Crewniverse's original intent of how the seasons were supposed to look like, I'm going to go by the fact that Season 1 was planned as 52 episodes, and were making the episodes well into season 2 before hearing that CN decided to break that season up in half and call the second half season 3. So, going