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I sort of wonder if the CN numbering of seasons is somewhat arbitrary for narrative purposes since Matt Burnett said CN's decision to make the seasons shorter did not affect the way they produced the episodes.

This reminds me of the film "No Man's Land", a film set in the Bosnian war, where a Bosniak soldier and a Bosnian Serb soldier are trapped in a trench where they're continually throwing insults at each other while trying to survive. They find some middle ground and momentarily get along, but the war and the ethnic

I do love that this type of discussion is something we can discuss with this show. The Crewniverse is obviously not perfect, but they are ambitious and it's obvious many of them are well-versed in "feminism and revolutionary concepts" and progressive politics in general. With this ambitious storytelling they were

Steven even named them. I mean how many of us fell in love with them after "Hit the Diamond" and wished to see a miniseries…now…sigh. Brilliant work Crewniverse.

Hmm, no, I think when Garnet said "save the planet" she was including all the organic life on it. Plus, Garnet's one line shouldn't be thought up as totally inclusive of all the reasons why Rose was motivated to rebel and ultimately chose to shatter PD.

From what very little we've heard of Aimee Mann as Opal, I liked what I heard. She needs a cool song.

This is like the problem of reviewing episodes in isolation rather than part of a stream of narrative consciousness.

Remember all the Pearl hate for seriously feeling the aftermath of untreated grief? And Rose has been getting tons of hate ever since she's shown herself to be imperfect many episodes ago. People are forgetting the gray with her and are just going full-on hate for Rose.

Hahaha. Rose being PD really is the theory that just won't die for many fans.

I did too! I just wanted them to go to the moon and reveal more lore so badly to remember things like that.

I wonder if Amethyst's reaction was about the existence of Pink Diamond or that Pink Diamond was her Diamond. But if Rose told Amethyst about Pink Diamond and how she shattered her, then she would know Earth was PD's colony and therefore all the gems on Earth were PD's and therefore Jasper being PD's gem wouldn't be

Yeah, I was getting uncomfortable with Pearl loving the role too much. Nothing wrong with roleplay, but I felt we were getting a bit intimate there. Amethyst/Jasper's "I wish" was the best and most in-character response to Pearl saying she'll never talk.

It's because CN made the seasons 20-something episodes and not the 50-something they did for season 1. Matt Burnett said CN's season categorizations had no bearing on the way and the order the episodes were made.

Probably not, but for some reason, I see them telling her. I can also see why they hid it from Steven. Amethyst doesn't know some things (like Bismuth) but I bet she was told a lot of stories. I don't know why, but I have feeling they told Amethyst something big like this.

It seems like the CGs all knew given the reactions.

So unless the official story is wrong and Eyeball didn't see what she thought she saw, it looks like my prediction in "Bismuth" was right and Rose did shatter Pink Diamond.

Maybe Rose foresaw what would happen if they start normalizing the shattering of gems. It's one thing for the Diamonds to utilize it as a wartime strategy, but without resistance from the opposing forces, then it really will become an uncontested part of the gem culture and I can see the long-term devastating effects

I think the secret to the success of this show is that it embraces common storytelling tropes but somehow continue to make them engaging and seem fresh. Of course some episodes are more successful than others. I think SU would be a great example of discovering new ways of telling the same story and how adding in

This episode really is the best case for SU moving to a half-hour even if it's just for the last season or so. That may screw up with syndication though I'm not sure how since they'll show SU in a half-hour block anyway. The stories and characters are becoming too much and too good to fit into 11 minutes though I know

Oh yeah, I forgot he poofed Centipeedle in the first episode. I'm trying to remember all the gems he poofed. This one had a stabbing though, and like you said first fully sentient humanoid Gem.