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I couldn't help but feel elated when Connie got all sad about the possibility of Steven not aging at the same rate as her because it's the first explicit showing that Connie harbors romantic feelings towards Steven as much as he does for her. Connie being Connie, I am sure she imagined and rationalized all sorts of

I can also see that tactical advantage being very alarming to the power elite. If different type gems start fusing with one another (mixing of the gems from different castes/class) it will threaten their entire social order and how they stay in power. On top of that, those fusions are very powerful and could challenge

You should just not watch it. That way you don't have to watch something so "immature" and that "turns [you] off" and even without watching it, you can still post negatively-tinged posts on avclub's reviews of SU episode comments section to get your frustration stemming from not understanding why other people like it

Well, masters raped slaves. But I do agree with you and others that DO NOT think there's a sexual thing, or the gem equivalent, going on with Blue Diamond and her Pearl.

I think I've been reading too many fan theories because my first thought with Rose's initial reaction to seeing Sapphire and Ruby fuse and then seeing Garnet on Earth was that she seemed to be making a very strategic and conscious choice in welcoming someone who she correctly predicted was going to be a pariah and

Because most of those critics are pervy older white men who want to bone her. Lawrence wasn't even nomination worthy for SLP, and was quite dead behind the eyes and seemed lost in the material. It actually sounds like she actually is better here, but Hollywood wasted her Oscar opportunity and gave it to her for a

I always wonder what people mean by "mature". I hear it a lot in gaming and I often times think gamers who use that word aren't really using it correctly. Anyway, to your actual point. I also think you have to remember some of the less dramatic season 1 episodes. Some episodes are very much geared towards children

That's a very good point. Although I did not forget that Amethyst was made and never left Earth, I am not always conscious of the fact that she really did grow up from a totally separate world from Garnet and Pearl. She's probably not much more knowledgeable about gem culture than Steven is.

Garnet would agree with you that the phrase is silly. But rather than think it's silly and it be ok to use it, Garnet would probably want us to stop using it altogether and therefore have it stop planting silly shallow ideas about love to impressionable people, hence her saying that love at first sight does not exist.

I was pretty sure long ago, but now I am convinced Joe Johnston or Jeff Liu are figure skating fans (like me!). Too many of Pearl's dances and moves seem to come from figure skating. I know ballet is definitely involved as well, but there are a lot of figure skating specific moves…since "Gem Glow".

I don't know, I mean when Steven is walking outside the boardwalk, there sure are a ton of houses he passes up. For a small population there certainly are a lot of businesses that wouldn't be able to run without people paying.

I also like that we got a glimpse into Steven as a dad…if left unchecked. I hope Steven's partner (yes, I'm thinking about Connie and am not ashamed for doing so) tempers him a bit or that his kids are able to communicate with him so that they don't blow up when they are seventeen and pushed to the breaking point.

Did you see the PBS video about how Steven Universe is a showcase for alternative family structures? I thought it was well-done, if a bit academic and wordy. After studying Family Law and how the law, through legal incentives/rewards/punishment/criminalization, pushes society to recognize only certain family

I actually was starting to feel that way too, even when a lot of the resolutions were from problems that were set-up many episodes ago (or at least hinted at). There's something a bit off with the pacing in the past two episodes that I sort of think happened during "Friend Ship" and I don't know if it's the

What we really know of Dr. Maheswaran is from what Connie told us. We had some snippets from "Fusion Cuisine" and "Future Vision" but it wasn't anything we didn't get from Connie on the over-protective side. From a child's perspective, a parent that is openly strict can some times be a lot scarier in their head than

Did anyone else notice that Dr. Maheswaran said she'd have to learn to accept "him." I knew Steven probably wouldn't be Dr. and Mr. Maheswaran's ideal choice for Connie's friend, and I know they find magic stuff weird, but I didn't think she was THAT against Connie being friends with him. Or maybe they don't like the

I actually don't think he actively trolls when he's giving answers like that. Usually when he trolls, he makes sure it's obvious he's making a joke or speaking out of frustration. Usually when he gives a simple answer like that, he's answering truthfully.

The opposite happening is also overused as well. To be honest, I don't mind overused techniques as long as it's done well. I do think the resolution seemed a bit rushed, but it makes more sense in retrospect and allows the story to move away from the secrets and lies Connie was spouting to her mom. To be honest, I'm

I have a feeling Dr. Maheswaran is a lot more amazed and impressed by Connie's level of skill with the sword (you see that flip?) than she's letting on. It won't do much to simply ban Connie, but rather accept Connie's new interest and learn more about it so she can intervene when she's "in over her head."

My comment was more directed to Kevin Hill simply not being able to accept the way the episode resolved itself. I also find the cavalier attitude a bit weird as well, but that's why I think I have to just accept the kids in this show are treated with a bit more of a hands-off approach (like many children's books where