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He did get that fan letter once, and he made references to people calling his blog out on things (like not properly providing a link), and people reblogged one of his blogs after asking people not to do it and how that was a mistake because it resulted in people reblogging his request.

I see your point, but I think I've accepted that this world treats kids as a little more independently than what we are used to (which is probably a theme the show is exploring with fears that kids now are too coddled and parents are being way too fearful which makes it worse). Don't forget that Mayor Dewey made a

I think Pearl's arc has probably gone as far as it will in this direction. I can't wait to see what new direction they'll take her in. Even if this week has been impacted by and centered on Pearl and Garnet's relationship, I think Amethyst has really been the most subtly impressive gem. She really was a rock this

I love how Peridot calling Pearl different versions of "idiot" really pushed her buttons, and she was already desperate due to Garnet while Amethyst looked so unimpressed and over it during Peridot's big screen monologue about trapping them. Amethyst doesn't play into the geeky nerd role play as evidenced by the time

Oh yeah, that one hit me hard too, and was really unexpected…much like Lion 3.

If Jasper calls Steven "Rose Quartz" again, Steven needs to let Jasper know that he's his own mom…I mean man.

I would KILL to see Steven bring back Tiger Millionaire against the baddies just for the attitude, though it wouldn't be Steven, would it?

I think they're the best story boarders too, but I will say that I've been very impressed with storytelling of many of the other episodes as well (obviously). Especially some of the Raven M. Molisee, Paul Villeco ones where they worked with Rebecca Sugar although I know some people didn't like Keystone Motel or

Who thought an episode (that wasn't Uncle Grandpa) that was about the Gems' relationship and received an "A" rating from Eric would be divisive among the fans? Usually the divisive episodes are Ronaldo ones that received a high grade or an emotionally charged one that receives a B (like Rose's Scabbard and Keystone

I don't think this was a bad episode by any means, but I also expected a bit more (and I defended the heavy-handedness of the message in both Keystone Motel AND Historical Friction because I know they need to serve their children audiences who appreciate a more direct approach). I felt the build-up and pacing of the

I can't help but agree with that. I usually do not question the creative choices of the writers/story boarders, but I can't help but feel that this episode felt rushed, even knowing that I'm sure the pay-off will happen. I think it's because I know it'll be a while before we get a follow-up episode. It seemed that

Me too. Maybe that's why I'm somewhat disappointed with this episode. Maybe I need to take a short break from the promos, fandom and the theories and just enjoy the show the way I used to (when I had no idea how big the fandom was an just watched it with no expectations).

I think it's because it is a combination of SU not hitting Spongebob/Teletubbies levels of popularity, a big portion of its fanbase are adults, and maybe most of the young children who would watch SU now have parents who are in their mid-late 20s and 30s and are a bit more lax about these things compared to the moral

I'm still thinking about how excited Steven is to see Jamie. In "Love Letters" I thought Steven's excitement was sort of a shout-out to fans who hadn't seen/heard him in like 50 episodes, but now I think Jamie is like the cool, fun big brother who encourages and plays with Steven's quirkier/over-the-top side. Steven

It's so well-deserved, and what warms my heart even more is that it got nominated for "Lion 3: Straight to Video". I still have fond memories of how that episode just took me by complete surprise and shook me to my core. It's far from the only episode to do so, but for some reason "Lion 3" affected me a bit more than

Steven really is a great actor, and I like that Jamie is taking charge of his passion. I hope he finally gets an acting troop soon though. I loved that Pearl was able to tolerate Mayor Dewey until he admitted to writing that historically inaccurate play. That was simply too much for her. Pearl's line on the couch

"Uhhh, we all totally know what Mayor Dewey is going off to do at the end of the episode, right?"

I seriously love that explanation.

I was wondering about that too, but I hope Vidalia isn't the type to joke about his looks in front of Steven like that considering she just said Steven was Greg's spitting image.

Onion giving Steven Explorer Gal is a pretty cool callback to Onion Trade. This was like Onion's apology to Steven for stealing Ranger Guy.