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Haha. What about whether Steven turned off the burners after he finished frying the egg?

I never bought the idea of Onion being "evil" or was "white/yellow diamond". To me, that's just an example of fandom going wild and theories going out of hand for the sake of fandom entertainment. Nothing wrong with that, but I really didn't like the direction fandom was going with Onion. After reading the comics

I still think my favorite Onion moment in the series thus far was when Onion was just quietly and respectfully watching Garnet playing the heck out of Meat Beat Mania.

I really hope he ate it when he went to go get Amethyst.

As creepy as that last shot was, I thought it was pretty sweet in Onion's way. He showed Steven that he didn't kill the mouse because he knew how much killing it upset Steven. I also appreciated that even though Steven did not want the mouse to die, he reconciled those feelings with the snake needing to eat too. Oh

I'm surprised that the order of "Alone Together" and "Warp Tour" was switched.

Maybe Steven blaming himself is supposed to just be an illustration of who the unintended casualties are when you and your partner have a major fight and refuse to resolve it (understandable as you may not be ready for it yet). This fight did not only involve Ruby and Sapphire but they were sort of acting like it did.

And he knows Garnet likes to eat some times. I know she didn't have the aversion to food that Pearl has, but that was seriously good to know. I like how familiar Greg seemed to be with Ruby and Sapphire as individuals.

I actually really enjoyed Joking Victim. The episodes I don't really like in terms of entertainment are "Onion Trade" and "Secret Team" though I understand the role those episodes play in the series as a whole.

I actually understood how Steven felt, even if it felt pretty rushed due to the episode length. Even when it's obvious that you didn't cause a fight, being in the middle of very open fight between your guardians/parents, makes you feel guilty and you start thinking that about all the things you think contributed to

People have said what I already wanted to say, but I will add that I love how they were able to capture the excitement of being a kid and staying at a motel. When I was a kid, my parents would take me on trips to break the monotony and everything about a motel just seemed awesome even if they really are mundane to

I agree. I think people go really black & white on Pearl when this show is all about nuanced characterizations.

That could possibly be it as well. We really don't know much about Jasper to make a conclusion one way or the other.

It's probably a mix of being afraid of what Garnet may act afterwards, having the gravity of her actions dawn on her, realizing that Garnet was willing to go into an unstable and possibly harmful fusion because of her deception, and being afraid that Garnet/Amethyst wouldn't be able to control Sugilite and seriously

Actually, nobody is giving Pearl a pass nor have many people celebrated how her love of Rose Quartz has made her act (I mean I'm sure there are but the vast majority is certainly not celebrating her). There has been many write-ups about how unhealthy it is while understanding why she would feel that way. Understanding

Don't forget Jasper's bigotry against fusions nor her directness to kill. But at least she was disgusted over the idea that Rose would hide herself as a child. Using children in wartime is something she doesn't seem to tolerate.

When (not if) Garnet and Pearl reconcile, I would LOVE to see the hilarious, wise-cracking Sardonyx fight the totally seriously menacing Malachite (or at least Jasper). It'll almost be like a fight scene from Spiderman where the hero just keeps egging the enemy on.

Pearl is strong in the real way. The problem a lot of viewers have is that she's puts emphasis on the "real". She's my favorite gem because she's the one who has real flaws that affects her but fights through them like people in real life. I'm glad they're starting to show Garnet's flaws because she was becoming a bit

It's not just about the chamomile tea. Sure maybe they should have it, but they don't. Cynthia's reaction was a lot worse than Bob or Linda not supplying it. Her bringing her own tea was a lot more than her actually wanting tea. It was some sort of message of not wanting anything the restaurant was actually offering.

I get what people are saying but the restaurant is essentially their home and Bushes were totally disrespecting it. Plus, Cynthia wasn't being all that quiet with what she was saying under her breath while Logan, as someone said earlier, was seriously antagonizing Louise. I think the family would do a lot for Bob, but