
I'm looking at the map right now. Dragonstone and Kings Landing are like right beside each other. Casterly Rock is literally on the other side of the continent. High Garden is also on the other side of the continent. I don't think this was good use of armies…

I'm just going to wave that away as "these things are taking place weeks later"

So this season has basically totally eliminated two ruling families. Although Dorne hasn't been taken over the same way as High Garden yet. But still, within 2 episodes, just gone!

Good reply, very well reasoned and stuff….

The reason yhou don't see conservatives with violence in schools over speakers is…CONSERVATIVE SCHOOLS DON'T INVITE LIBERAL SPEAKERS! It's amazing! And Liberal students resorting to violence in those cases is bad. But Liberal students just not showing up, or walking out? That is their free speech right,and anyone who

Pssst: Democrats won more votes in the Presidential election. And Senate Elections. And house! That gerrymandering prevented them from taking the House, and that the racist Electoral College prevented them from taking the Presidency, doens't mean they connect with people worse than Republicans, who again, got less

I thought that was implied by "missouri".

The AV Club's review got it right in the first paragraph even:

Zemo??? He was awful. He was barely a character in that movie, his plan was piss poor…they wasted a fine actor and fine comic character to just have Marvel pit their heroes against each other.

Ah, for some reason I totally forgot that! Thanks.

Yoshi was maybe the biggest miss in this game, he really felt tacked on. And hasn't appeared in a 3d Mario since, I don't believe.

You could even get a few stars if I recall in it. Well, I guess Mario 64 had a few as well (i remember a rabbit in the basement of the castle…it was years ago, but I know there was at least that one).

Agreed, the controls worked perfectly. The only issue was the camera in a few levels, for a few stars only. But the overall controls were perfect (as are all Mario games I'd argue). The ways you could use the water pack to extend jumps just added a new element to things. And the regular controls when you didn't have

And the hidden pure platforming levels were often insanely difficult, loved those.

I so want that game on the Switch. Mario All Stars 3D please!

I got the disappointment, the game was "small" in that it had very few worlds, I think 8 in total. But I loved each of them, and really, the game controlled great. It's why the hat throwing in Odyssey excites me. I know they will integrate it as well as the water pack and use it in interesting ways to move around the

That's the beauty of the "out of time" mentioned above. The movie doesn't have any real "markers" that make it obviously a 2010 movie. It really can be seen at any time and hold up.

Not sure what that has to do with MacGruber…

It wasn't a huge flop, $10M budget, $9.3 gross, but it's become a cult favourite, so I'm guessing it's made it's budget back by now and turned enough of a profit to make a sequel worthwhile.

And the Jorma Taccone, member of lonely island and director of their movies, is going to direct the sequel to MacGruber (he also did the first), so that will come out in the two year time frame.