
Also really preferred the fight camera in the first movie, much clearer what was going on.

Never understood the critics who say the new ones were better than the first. Ultimately, they all retold the same story, with less "human" stakes than the first. I enjoyed them all for what they were, but none came close to the first for me. And how many "oh, this is actually the super bad white guy who was in charge

But they built that up really well. The characters had a real motivation that the viewer was given time to understand. It was family, and that was very important to them. This season…things are happening for "reasons".

Oh, I agree, but that is why he let Gloria interview Nikki at that point, he couldn't really keep that up. I'm saying the stuff before, his interest in just shutting things down was entirely justified in "cop show" reality. But yeah, it gets to a certain point where it is hard to suspend disbelief (even for a show

Ratcheting up the tension is good. But if the payoff is no payoff (such as…what happened here), it's pointless.

Agreed with everything here. I really did a double take when DJ Qualls escaped while the cops were literally right there without them seeing, this show doesn't do stupid things like that…i guess it does now. And, I still don't get why they were so coy with his reveal. Am I supposed to be shocked when I see his face?

It's kind of a trope though with cop shows (and probably real life to be honest) - if there is an easy answer and it clears a murder off the board, take it and move on. The Wire ran with that too, so I get his character motivation. Gloria's theories may be right, but in a world of "numbers", it just adds complication

I don't get why they blurred DJ Qualls out. Did I miss something? Was he in the show before? Why the slow reveal? Someone help!

He can most certainly have a different opinion, that's great. But go back and re-read the first two reviews, and then this one…it really doesn't feel like a legit opinion, to me at least. It feels like someone straining to do…well, what I said above. At least to me it does. The first two bizarrely negative reviews

Once again, your review seems to tell me more about you then about the show…

Lol…i think you meant to put that on another comment?

…this again feels like last weeks bizarre review. A good score but a lot of hemming and hawing that seems to paint a different picture, but an utter inability to express what your problem is, or if it's even a problem.

Yeah. What does "empty" mean? What's an example of "full"? Feels like buzzwords being thrown around, but nothing really being said for or against this or another type of show.

Same. On my TV, after they found the old man dead, it went to commercial, and then came back to the opening scene in Germany. Confused the hell out of me.

This feels like a bizarre review, like, you think there is going to be a backlash against the show and want to get ahead of it, so there is a strangely negative tone…on an episode you are giving a B+ to. I'm not even sure what "it's an empty show" means, or why I should care.

I…don't agree with that interpretation at all. They never try to make you sympathetic because she's a woman. That's not in the text or subtext even. What a bizarre place to take this…

(also, this goes for the movies too…in movie land, can anyone tell me how Iron Man wasn't right about the UN protocols? Like, in the comics, with the history of mutant registration stuff, yes, Captain America was right. in the movies though, in the self contained story they had built, with all the carnage that

I feel Marvel has lost the plot when it comes to story telling. Like…in their obsession with making every story "Hero vs Hero", do they realize that both sides aren't equal? Do they realize that despite their efforts, they are making one side a villain?