
Well look at this way. If they cast an age appropriate 15 year old as a high school sophomore, then the audience would have to come to terms with how super disturbing (and in some states, statutory rapey), Archie's relationship with his actual 25+ teacher is.

Felicity? There was certainly some chemistry and flirtation going on between her and Barry but all of her interactions with Cisco have been strictly platonic (as they have between Cisco and Caitlin).

That would involve Team Flash being smart which literally every one on this show is incapable of doing.

Good Lord the actor playing Abba Kadabra was terrible. He rendered what should have been a fun villain into an emotional character as menacing as Vandal Savage.

Yeah that bugged me. Surely the second lady has Secret Service agents too.

Yep I'm assuming it's an emotionally immature, tall for her age 8 year old. The drawing was a bit much though.

Maybe they will threaten his wife next and because they killed his son, he will be scared enough to cooperate? idk

Aly: “I’m exhausted. I feel like a single mom in a mop commercial.

Aly is so great. I'm mad she didn't join the show earlier. God willing, we get a seventh season and Aly will be a series regular.

Earth-2 cop Iris was SO great! I will never understand what Iris brings to the table of Team Flash other than being Barry's girlfriend. Ugh.

Barry and a Big Belly Burger have more sexual tension than he and Iris do.

ikr? I despise WestAllen with a burning passion and roll my eyes whenever Iris speaks but totally loved Earth 2 Iris (and that version of Iris with Earth 2 Barry) and even the weird musical version of Iris from last week.

Oh God what if they make her the big bad of Season 6?

It was horrifying and so indicative that, despite all his protestations of "loving" Celeste, Perry clearly plans on abusing and killing her in a few years and moving on to his next victim/wife. Which of course he needs his dick for. Ugh.

It never ceases to infuriate me that "women" oriented TV like this are patronized and not taken seriously while show that clearly pander to the male gaze like "Game of Thrones" are considered masterpieces and win Emmys every year. UGH.

That would be awesome.

Yeah the nanny TOTALLY knows. At least she can serve as a witness in the custody battle.

I saw Legend of Tarzan the other night and I was shocked Tarzan is played by the same actor as Perry. The characters couldn't be anymore different-You cheer when Tarzan shows up in that movie and in this show, you tense up every time he shows up. Dude deserves some Emmys next year.

Great idea!

I think Perry is the rapist but Ed is the murderer. Maybe Jane confronts Perry, Madeline defends Jane, Perry turns on Madeline and Ed kills Perry in an attempt of protecting Madeline?