
Just rewatched the episode after getting notifications from some comments I left on this review a while ago, and man is it still great.

God. I hope the kid doesn't make a passat Erica. The show is dark enough as it is.

I actually stopped breathing for a second there.

Same cast or different cast?

The fact that he didn't recognize Jane was horrific. Does he really rape so many women that he forgets their faces??

He also apparently got cast in the completely unnecessary Big Bang Theory prequel and he would literally be the only reason I watch it.

I really hope Archie and his dad take Jughead in. Poor kid.

Which makes the Grundy thing SUPER creepy

Very much second the Sweet/Viscous recommendation even though I'm a month late. What I would give for AV Club to cover that show…

It makes Miss Grundy look WAY WORSE. The way she was presented-all she needed was a white windowless van to complete the child predator look.

Yeah it was awful. I really hope the writers realize what a poor decision they made (kid was barely out of 9th grade!) and wrap it up as quickly as possible and haul that teacher in jail where she belongs.

I did. I paused and gagged.

Yes because you are not a sexual predator unlike that fucking teacher. Ugh.

Sweet/Vicious IS SO GOOD. I hate that it didn't get reviews on this site while Riverdale did even though the AVClub writers acknowledged how epic it is. Sigh.

I mean there's also no way you would get that ripped by living in an island/jungle cut off from normal civilization and endless supply of protein shakes but Oliver Queen and Tarzan do and we just accept it….

Yep. And consider he wasn't even in 10th grade when it happened. He had just finished NINTH grade. Double ew.

ikr? It was so gross. That teacher shouldn't be allowed near children.

Yeah it was horrifying. Kid just finished 9th grade. HE IS A BABY. Teacher should be in jail.

Seriously fuck them. They are normalizing statutory rape and you know there's an exec out there who thinks it's okay because of the gender role reversal. Ugh.

Yep, the Mrs. Grundy plot is a TERRIBLE idea. They should have aged Archie up to at least a senior if they wanted to keep it in.