
me too!


Apparently it's based off a book so they didn't have much of a choice…

Yeah I'm friends with some SUPER liberal white people and if their kids ever did something like this, they would hit the roof.

What I don't understand is how this hasn't come up before. Surely SOMEBODY at the school must have found the website and blabbed to their parents. Juicy gossip like that should have been in Madeleine's ears in 5 minutes flat.

As a daughter of South Asian parents, if I did something even CLOSE to what she did…I would never be allowed to use the Internet again or leave the house without an adult. (Who am I kidding, they would probably just shoot me) Girl is SUPER clueless.

Wait how does Gideon remember that kiss? Wasn't it in his mind? I'm so confused…

I haven't watched past this episode yet but why do I have a feeling that the loan comes from Robert and Sol which makes the financial situation seem EVEN LESS plausible…

Yep, finally binging this season at the advice of AV Clubbers in the comment sections of Arrow and they were right. Getting rid of the Hawk people, Savage and (dare I say it?) even Rip has really helped. The huge thing is that they aren't taking themselves seriously any more but I really do miss Captain Cold…

Didn't the two of them share a kiss before Snart sacrificed himself? I'm pretty sure the writers would have gone there if the actor didn't want to leave…

Just watch it and skip all the Hawk and Savage scenes.

It would be glorious but they would literally have to put a gun to Amell's head to get him to agree. Sigh.

At least they made up for it by having an amazing villain this season.

Stephen Amell has basically sworn that he would never do one so it probably won't happen. I'm totally on board for a similar musical crossover happening every year and having random Arrow cast members pop in…

Are you kidding me? She clearly tried to escape MULTIPLE times before she unzipped his pants. Girl clearly knew the only way to escape the grasp of her controlling husband was by having sex with him.

"violent sexual relationship"? He very clearly raped her in that scene dude.

I'm a month late but you missed a pretty interesting one:

Yep. And Regina stans who are criticizing Hook for this character action (and the Hook/Emma relationship unhealthy in general) are bizarre. Your fav killed an entire VILLAGE. You have no room to criticize other characters.

Sorry about your bad news :(

Having Rose Leslie on this show really highlighted how good Cush Jumbo's American accent is. Leslie's seems so forced while Jumbo's is so natural.