
It's been renewed.

No mention of the random white guy who the firm interviewed for representation who started quoting rap lyrics? I was dying laughing at those reaction shots.

Maybe it's because I'm super cynical but I was totally expecting the other couple to be racist shit heads who didn't want the client to have her egg back because the idea of the guy having a biologically half black child horrified him.

I think he had a lot of issues with prescription drugs and alcohol and smoking during the height of Friends' popularity. That shit will mess up your aging process.

I actually rewound to the scene where he talked to Diane to see if he was manipulating her words and I missed something. I was shocked. He really did pull that out of his ass didn't he?

What is even happening with Alicia right now in this show's universe? I blocked most of the final season out of my head because it was so terrible but I vaguely remember her partnering with Lucca (which clearly isn't happening anymore) and aligning herself with Peter….Is she still working? Is she running for political

AV Club should seriously give us a warning before having such a huge picture of 45 on their header page. Gross.

Seriously what's up with Archie Panjabi? Didn't she say she had a development deal with CBS and that was that why she left? But nothing happened? If the network deal is a no go, can she please, please join the cast of this show next season (I'm assuming this season is already done filming).?

I would love to see Kurt and Diane adress Trump in someway. As cartoonishly Republican Kurt is (he was supporting Sarah Palin in his first appearance), I still can't possibly imagine him voting for Trump after that Hollywood Access tape leaked.

At least Arrow isn't trying to get us to sympathize with Promethus like this show is with Eli

Was going to ask the same thing :( Maybe we can start our own discussion in the comments here?


OH MY GOD. Have you ever met an actual Indian person in your life? Trust me Indians (from India) who speak with an accent have an accent that sounds NOTHING like the one in these shows. It's always like Apu (like Kal Penn said)-which by the way is voiced by a white guy.

Sigh. You have never "thought to [yourself you] want a white straight hero" because white straight is the default (and which I'm assuming you are-please correct me if I'm wrong). White straight privilege means never having to think about fictional characters' race or sexual orientation because you are SO USED to

Kenneth Choi is seriously underrated. He did a great job with a cartoonish character in American Crime Story.

A part of me was hoping Todd would die instead. Maybe it would snap Carol out of her stupor.

Erika better watch out. Between Phil and Lewis, this show sure likes killing non white characters. (Sorry if that makes me sound bitter. It was a good episode-but goddamn it, Kenneth Choi deserved better.)

Yep. Would have loved to see them with kids. :(

LOL. "Sad Hogwarts" is the perfect description of that school. And you are right, it really doesn't seem to make sense on a business side-I just can't think of another reason for that scene to be so clumsily shoe horned in.