
Wait what show came out during Thanksgiving break? Kind of assumed TV is dead that week…

Oooh I like it. Maybe in the alternate world where Clinton won the election, Jared Leto never became a movie star and Firefly has the longevity and success of Big Bang Theory.

Exactly. The few times Smith actually does "disappear" in a role, nobody likes it. See: After Earth (a truly horrendous movie for a multitude of reasons but Will Smith acting like a robot did not help matters).

I was just about to say. Jurassic World may be really dumb but at least it's mindlessly amusing fun. Watching Resurgence was like trying to stay interested in a topic about the inner workings of celery bacteria.

Are you seriously blaming Luisa for Cole cheating on her? Good Lord.

Thank you. I'm confused why nobody is condemming Cole. He was my favorite character before but his actions this episode took a serious hit on my opinion of him.

Cole is the best person in New York? Really? He cheated on his wife.

Yeah, I don't understand why everyone hates Luisa so much. She raised another woman's child (which she wasn't aware of until AFTER she married Cole) for 6 months without complaint and the minute Allison shows up, she is supposed to hand over Joannie like a borrowed hair dryer?

Did people really cheer when Cole kissed Allison? I was really fucking pissed and yelling at the screen. I liked Cole and hated that, he too, has to cheat on his spouse.

Mulan is my favorite Disney movie of ALL TIME. I get that they wrote her out of the initial season she was on because Jamie Chung got cast on a new show. But that show was cancelled after 5 episodes and they gave her NOTHING.

I will say as a "young" person, a lot of people my age when they get their own places don't buy DVD players or even TVs. A lot of people our generations watch media on laptops/mobile devices. And when they do use TVs, they just use HDMI cables or Chromecast to mirror stuff on said laptops/mobile devices.

They are so great. Super excited for the flashbacks of them meeting.

I like Toby!

I apparently half agree with the commenters. I abhor Olivia but I enjoy Toby. Not sure I get everyone's hate for him.

Yeah I mentioned it before, but he was consistently great on Smallville even when the rest of the show wasn't. Sterling A Brown might (deservedly) get a lot acclaim for his acting skills but Hartley is totally underrated imo.

Sloan has been given like an eighth of Olivia's screen time and I already like her MUCH more. Would be thrilled if we never saw her again but of course that means Kevin will spend the rest of the season stuck in a love triangle with the two of them. Ugh.

Fantastic Review. I usually watch this show with my family but I kept on getting almost spoiled on Twitter I just decided to watch it now. And yeah that review encapsulated all my thoughts on this show. Everyone is having a jolly good time and there are only 3 minutes left so you think all is good right? I literally

The kids are so dickish to Miguel I'm starting to imagine him as a moustache twirling villain who stole Rebecca away the minute Jack's funeral ended. Ridiculous but the only way to explain how upset the kids are DECADES after Jack's death (it has to be at least a decade right? It doesn't seem like Randall's kids have

If this increases the chances of Crazy Ex Girlfriend's renewal, I'm ecstatic. If it doesn't, then I really have no opinion whatsoever.

Who moves from Pittsburg to Philly right before having kids though? That's like moving from suburban NJ to NYC when you find out you are pregnant. Makes a lot of sense the reverse but not so much the other way around…