
Less Olivia and more Beth please!

THAT'S where I saw her before. Funny how she was portrayed as super sexy and seductive in Silicon Valley and super meek and mousey in this one.

Kevin and Olivia are by far the least compelling part of the show despite me being a big Justin Hartley fan.

Baby Randall is SO cute. (That it is all).

I haven't really been a hundred percent on the William train but Good Lord did I feel for William in that scene with Rebecca. The minute he lit up and got excited, my heart broke over and over again. You knew what was coming and seeing William at his most animated, rummaging through his belongings…excruciating.

Even though the actor for Noah looks much older, I got the vibe that Nina is supposed to be the older sibling. It doesn't make a lot of sense for the younger sibling to leave the family before the older sibling…

I'm really confused as to what Helen does that makes her seem so terrible in Noah's perspective. All she wants to do is help…

No because Noah is a self serving piece of garbage who doesn't have the moral capacity to put others before himself.

Sometimes I wonder if the writers on this show identify too much with Noah and are using this as some sort of cathartic release. Literally every female character on this show who isn't blood related to him seems to want to sleep with him. It's getting kind of absurd.

It would be hilarious if the entire season built up to it being the guard or a Lockhart who stabbed him…only for it to be that douchey male student who slept with the french Professor out of jealousy (he did seem really into her during their scenes and kind of jealous/accusing when he asked Juliette where she was

That's what I was thinking! What a douche Noah is to criticize Audrey's work so harshly when his work is just as bad. I mean, "She was the embodiment of sex" Really?

Wait that was her husband and not her father who was sick? I suppose it makes much more sense: the mention of colleagues trying to visit him, the fact that he was once her professor which would account for the large age gap….But it was still jarring nonetheless.

To be fair, Felicity says she looks like Kara not Ray.

For real though can CW just says, screw it and goes fully batshit all in and creates an Earth (Earth 38 or Earth 323 or whatever) happened to where all the veteran CW shows are all simultaneously existing: CEG, Jane the Virgin, Supernatural, you name it…

This isn't really related to anything but I have watched several seasons of Lexi era Grey's and a handful of Superbowl episodes and I have somehow never made the connection that Alex Danvers=Lexi Grey. I feel very dumb. That is all.

Plus. There is the gender thing to consider. Valencia clearly wants kids and even if they are the same age, biology works differently. Josh has the luxury of stringing Valencia along for a few more years, breaking up with her, settling with someone younger and becoming a father in his mid to late 30s. Valencia not so

YES. I REALLY want Felicity and Win to meet.

Seriously. I know it doesn't have a ton in common with these Superhero shows but it's SO GOOD.

A lot of the EPs plus Amell have let it slip, barring something drastic, Arrow will be longer than 5 seasons. It's not going anywhere after next year.

Seriously. I would have been happy even with a throwaway line with Sara stopping by the rehab place to say to Lance if there wasn't enough time for an actual visit. Poor Lance :(