
Are there really people who are just fans of LoT and not the other shows? This isn't like liking Sueprgirl and not Flash or Liking Flash and not Arrow…the show is literally built off the backbone of the other shows…

I mean apparently Damien Dhark tried to nuke the ENTIRE WORLD and the President didn't even try to get involved last year.

Apparently there was a scene with the two of them where Sara asks her out for a drink and Kara is like, "maybe you should meet my sister?" But it was cut for time ;(

That was great but a scene of Sara trying to flirt with Kara would have been even better

Great episode and review. But calling Supergirl's episode a "tease" is a huge stretch. That would be like calling Iron Man a tease for Avengers.

I replayed the scene three times without pausing. Amazing.

Don't blame you. Every time I see CW refer to this episode as ,"Part 3" of the crossover or tomorrow's episode as "part 4", my blood boils.

Ugh really? I HATE it when writers try dismiss bisexual characters (HTGAWM did the same thing with Michaela's former fiance). Really the only accurate, non dismissive portrayal of a bi character on television is Callie Ramirez from Grey's Anatomy and even in that show, they acted like she never really liked men that

Great episode! What a fantastic way to celebrate 100 episodes and an awesome review breaking it all down. Surprised you didn't mention the Tommy-Chicago line. I literally laughed for 5 straight minutes, I love it when the writers get all meta.

Yeah I always enjoyed Ally much more than Reagan. Think the actor is busy though (hence the random FBI plot) ;(

Yeah if the Legends episode doesn't include a tiny snippet where Sara catches up with Team Arrow before she leaves, Im going to be pissed.

Those promos were such lies! I'm hoping next year, CW will go full out crazy and actually have a 4 night crossover that all leads to a set up of Vixen having a live action show on Friday night.

Dead on for eeverything. Especially the Ollie part. The only ones who should be allowed to call Oliver that is Thea and maybe Sara (people who knew him as preisland!douchebag Oliver).

Ikr? I really wanted more of the Super girl crew to interact with the rest of the cast.

Yep and the annoying new recruits were ditched which really gave the show some breathing room. Hopefully they will stay put next episode too (well Curtis can come but nobody else)

I am in the exact same boat as far as Supergirl. Exactly a season behind (last one I watched was the season 1 Thanksgiving episode) and forced myself to watch yesterday's and totally spoiled myself for future developments all because the dumb promos kept hyping the crossover as a "4 night crossover event" I get that

Since they bought Michael along, I guess they didn't want to exclude him…although in that vein, it would be great to see Jane and Raf teaching him words in both English and Spanish…it was touched upon briefly last season when they were looking for a bilingual baby sitter (whatever happened to her anyway?) and then

Great episode! I esp loved Michael's and Raf's growing friendship. I do wish the show would explore Michael's relationship with Mateo a bit more. He is raising him alongside Jane and obviously loves him. At what point does he get a say in Mateo's life? Michael obviously wouldn't try to intrude on Raf but (assuming he

Considering how much this bugged me until I read your explanation, you are not the only one.

Best line if the episode.