
I strongly suspect it's going to be Artemis attempting to do some sort of triple cross where she pretends to spy on Oliver for Prometheus in an attempt to learn Prometheus's true identity.

Yeah I'm going with that. .

What show are you watching? The only woman Oliver has had less chemistry with was Boring Island Lady from the S4 flashbacks. Cassidy and Amell have zero chemistry together but at lest S1 Lauriver had some sense of history behind the characters.

Thea and Lance are such a natural fit, I don't understand how the show hasn't put the characters together before. Both are the father/daughter each deserves.

Wait so you are saying "Olicity pandering" ruined the show yet, claim season 4 was great until episode 10 afterwards…which was basically Oliver lying to Felicity nonstop leading to the eventual break up which is something literally not a single Olicity fan wanted.

I will never understand why the writers felt the need to fridge a TODDLER in service of another show. Ugh.

I mean a year ago, it's what everyone expected. I specifically remember my friend messaging me to say that it was a shame that 2016 election would just be another Clinton/Bush match up when Trump/Sanders would be so much more entertaining.

Ugh Christie. Literally the one semi not horrible thing to come out of Trump's win was to see Christie being kicked to the curb despite selling his soul and dignity for him.

Not gonna lie, I'm fairly certain "distracting Trump with something shiny" (Look Donald, Rosie O'Donnell tweeted that you were a toddler with a spray tan again!! Why don't you work on your reply to her while the rest of us talk policy?) is literally what Pence's strategy will be while he and his alt right cabinet do

I know nothing about you virtual stranger, but I'm still confident that you would do better than the Tangerine Tinted Terror. Sigh.

Just watched the first three episodes. SO. GOOD. And super addicting. Bummed that it looks like AV Club won't be doing regular reviews though :/

Aw :( Yeah extensions like this are hard to perfect.

They love "the Jews" because it gives them an excuse to shit on Muslims more.

Oh man on one hand, I refuse to watch Diet Hitler becoming sworn in as the next president and terrorizing our country for the next 4 years. On the other hand, I would absolutely LOVE to see Pence get the shit beaten out of him.

Meh, at this point I'd find a rotting corpse more appetizing. At least the rotting corpse won't have access to the nuclear codes (starts crying again).

I'm a lifelong vegetarian and find cheese burgers pretty disgusting but Good Lord, it is a much, much better alternative to the Orange Demon's face.

I honestly can't hear that song without thinking of the Sad Afflek meme that went viral past summer.

Idk of all the time travel shows this year, it seems the most watchable. Legends is just endlessly convoluted and wildly consistent (despite my eternals love of Sara Lance) while Frequency just seems needlessly dark and gloomy all the time.

Or maybe Flynn's daughter was the future evil one and the wife got killed getting the way.

Yeah I like Ben, certainly found him more bearable than Josh and the preacher who became less bearable with each passing episode. But yeah my One Tree Hill affinity is probably influencing me.