
Can someone please explain to me why Alex is working as a barista? She's an undergrad at Caltech for Christ's sake. I know plenty of overachieving students (my high school was full of them) and they would die in a job involving so much menial labor.

To be fair, I'm fairly certain those actors were instructed to be terrible on purpose thus heightening the awfulness of that "interactive theater" sruff (seriously who thinks this is a GOOD idea).

Seasons 1-3 of the show would like to have a word with you. The main problem with the show is that the writers and actors stopped trying after all the Emmys and dollars started rolling in.

This show, easily the worst of ABC's eight comedies this season, being the only one of the said comedies to get a review this season continues to infuriates me. (Granted after this election season, the word "infuriate" doesn't mean much anymtoe).

I refuse to call him that or use his actual name. For the next four years, he will be referred to as "The Orange One", "Tangerine Hitler", etc. Childish I know but it is one of my few coping mechanisms.

They decided to move out of the house they decided on last season when they realized they could no longer afford it without Petra's help. I'm guessing they are currently looking for new smaller places off screen while packing up their stuff on screen.

Ikr? I don't get why so many people are #TeamRafael. If I was with somebody that buff, I would be super insecure everytime I even LOOKED at a doughnut.

I feel like that when I see Yael too. Hollywood does not promote healthy eating habits :(

And his commitment to calling him Matellio is pretty great :)



God how did Paul Ryan become the best case scenario? (I'm not disagreeing with you, you are completely right but seriously fuck 2016)

Damn. Thanksgiving will be rough this year. :/

Oh god. That's rough. My mom is horrified over Trump and is a female immigrant who voted for Clinton but she keeps on implying that the reign of the Orange Demon will somehow improve the job market/economy and it is driving me mad.

I still can't believe it. How??? Seriously if there is any woman out here who voted for him, please tell me why? I won't attack you or anything, I'm just genuinely asking

Yeah it was so strange. Are we to believe he always interrupts fellow surgeons from doing life saving work by projecting his mother's life onto the patient? It was so bizarre

I read an article a few weeks ago that was basically a "confessional" from Meredith's nanny and it was basically like, I'm the best most magical, flexible nanny ever. Do you know how hard it is to keep three children from interrupting the random dinner parties Meredith keeps throwing? I should be paid more.

Yeah what was so graphic that this episode and not any other warranted it? Other episodes have been more violent…and the Coliver scenes this episode are tame by HTGAWM's standards…

His handlers could barely control him when he was running. Now that he is technically the most powerful person in the country? Not a fat fucking chance.

Yeah but I don't drink. Been forced to eat my feelings instead. In the past 24 hours I have consumed more junk food/fast food the I normally do in a month. This fucking elections has taken a toll on me in every way possible.