
I think the show I can no longer watch now is Scandal.

Yeah, take solace in that they are young enough to not to worry about politics too much. They'll have vague memories later (like I do with the 2000 election) but not the mind numbing terror most of us are experiencing.

I'm still numb. I can only function if I have something to do. I woke up early to take my mom to the doctor's, took a nap, went to class and straight to work. Now I'm in the parking lot. There is a meeting in 2 hours that I want to go to at my school. I was planning on going to the lounge and getting some work done

Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm not alone and it just made me feel worse. I got into a shouting match with my father this morning when I said that sexism undoubtedly contributed to the result considering how ridiculously overqualified Clinton was and how grossly under qualified Trump was.

And on trial for child rape (why does everyone always forget about the child rape?)

This isn't about party lines. I've been there when Democrats have lost before. I remember how I felt when Kerry lost to Bush. This felt NOTHING like that. Hell, I would feel better if Clinton had lost to any other than Republican candidate, even Ted Cruz.

Thanks for the defense! Also I'm a girl :)

I'm honestly more concerns about Roe V Wade than the marriage equality one if only because we have never had a vice president so vocally and eagerly opposed to it.

Will they though? Considering how unnecessary and aptly times Comey's email investigation was, I cant help but wonder if the larger governmental organizations are somehow rigged (oh god now I sound like Trump 2 days ago)

I know that on some level but another, I just am horrified. Is this how deeply ingrained misogyny is? That even the most over qualified woman can be defeated by the least qualified woman?

I know this sounds desperate but can somebody talk me off the ledge? It's the middle of the night and I can't stop crying. All I can think about is how horrific the next 4 years will be.

Fantastic episode. Greg isn't leaving the show though is he? That scene with the airport seemed so…final. (Whatever confrontation there is with Rebecca, I can't possibly see it ending well).

She's the Jerry/Gary/Larry/Terry of CEG.

Also the confirmation that everyone calls him "WhiJo". White Josh was getting cumbersome to say. Although you would think his boyfriend (Darryl) would just call him Josh.

My period is also super irregular. An app (pricey or free) can't predict it. All those apps will literally ask you, "What is your cycle length?" and "How many weeks between each cycle?" and base their predictions off of that. If your period isn't consistent, you are screwed.

Yeah that was strange to me. There are plenty of free period apps. I know Rebecca spends money like water but Donna always seemed fiscally responsible.

I disagree. The number of storylines where the woman keeps the baby vastly outnumbers the number of ones where she chooses to have an abortion. Just because we had one on Jane the Virgin and on You're the Worst recently, doesn't mean we don't need more.

No, Supernatural is a year younger (on its twelfth season while Greys is on its thirteenth)

I seriously thought I misheard that. How the fuck does this woman still have a license?

I had a whole reply for this on my phone but then my connection failed and it was lost forever.