
Yeah the show really distracts when their characters try to judge others.

It was really cute! Almost made me forgot that he was a cold blooded murder. (Sorry still not letting it go-why the writers ruined Asher "comic relief" character like that, I will never understand).

As a hard core Coliver shipper, I can't help but feel pretty hollow over that drunken hook up. You just know the next episode, Oliver will say it was a mistake that should not have happened. It would have been better for Connor to do the mature thing and say no, wait till your sober and maybe spend a few episodes

She did. I think the reviewer was just keeping note of how many times she gets mentioned at all.

Yeah forget about the drinks, that apartment looked like it cost major money. (Although as usual, I will never understand how real estate works in TV. I thought Micheala came from a poor family. How is she affording that nice apartment? Why isn't she slumming it in the dorms like Asher? Wes's apartment looks bare

I think by the time the premiere was filmed they didn't know but the writers figured out after. I'm sure by the filming of the second episode, they figured it out and told the actor who was dying.

At least he did, I was getting scared he would stall by saying he was sick and sending the guy home or something.

Great review! Odd that there was no speculation about who is under the sheet. I was It REALLY hoping for a visual on Connor but it went to Wes instead.

Oh God both possibilities are fantastic and probably won't happen but I would give a lot of money for them to happen.

To a lesser extent, that's exactly how I feel about the Wells Fargo scandal. Putting all the blame on minimum wage bank tellers who were just trying to keep their damn jobs instead of on the astoundingly greedy CEO and Board and executives who created insane quotas so they could pad their yearly bonuses drives me

Kevin's little detail about purposefully choosing the most complicated airplane models just to eek out a little bit more time with his dad really broke my heart. Hartley was great in that scene.

I find it funny how many people are surprised that Justin Hartley is a good actor on a drama just because he was on a soap for a few years. Before that, he was also a series regular on Smallville for 4-5 years and his performance was one of the bright spots of increasingly redundant, dragged out final seasons.

Is it really? I watched the first two episodes and found it pretty meh? Does it improve or is it just not my thing?

If Crazy Ex Girlfriend gets cancelled for this show, I will riot.

I think "Uncle Nephew" just meant that his nephew was six years older than him (because of the huge age gap between him and his siblings) so he considered him to be an uncle.

Yeah it was so dumb. The most the show ever acknowledged Kendra being stuck in the 50's for 2 years was that one time some white lady thought she was Ray's house keeper.

YES. Seriously the show had 2 black characters go back to the Wild West era and nothing was acknowledged.

I think Flynn is the future love child of Lucy and Wyatt, thus explaining why Rittenhouse is insisting on Rufus spying on them

Me too! Especially when she started shaking when she afixed the Swatsika pin on her shirt. I suppose the show should be commended for taking the more realistic route and just having Lucy, a civilian, be freaked out by all this life and death time traveling stuff.

Didn't read the review because I haven't watched the episode yet but does this mean AV club will start reviewing This is Us on a regular basis? It was one of the most surprising new shows of the season and always seemed like such a shame that AVC was ignoring it.