
Yeah but…as horrendous as Petra's actions were, they were all things you can come back from.

Hardcore Jane/Michael shipper here and I'm fine with it. Of course that might be partially be because I watch the show with my mom and any extended love scenes would make it too awkward (as it is I will probably have to fast forward through half the episode when I do watch it with her).

I kept on thinking that!!

I genuinely don't understand Rose/Luisa shippers. She killed her dad. How on Earth can you root for a couple after that?

If they do, they should just change it to Jane (or Jane!) like they did in the animated sequence. It is simple and works

Oh God. That's absolute crap. Jane is a virgin. Nobody has amazing sex the first time. This would have totally been the case with Micheal or Raf or her professor (already forgot his name). I applaud the show for taking things the realistic route.

Yeah the entire dasmel in distress/woman needing to be taken care of tropes are pet peeves of mine.

AV Club is finally reviewing Full Frontal?? I am extremely excited.

Tbh I never take off my socks but that's because I am always freezing on the planes but I'm sure some people out there have warmer core temperatures and are always hot…

Happy Birthday :)

Ikr!! It was so rude. Just take it even if you won't use it. A tiny white lie like that never hurt anybody. It's like telling a pregnant lady she doesn't look fat.

I think the self defense defense could totally stick if they had called the police right away instead of acting in the most guilty possible manner and destroying the body in the fire. There really is no way of getting around that. The DA office (which already hates Analise's guts) could easily make a case that this

IT BETTER not be fucking Connor under the sheet.

Mitch and Cam could literally fool an unknowing viewer as 2 college roomates who just happened to adopt a kid together.

I know I've said this before (and will doubtlessly say it again) but:

(Agree with everything but the pizza one). As a life long vegetarian, veggie pizzas are the best.

I just binged the show over the summer and I totally forgot he was on VM once! Funny that in the show, he was her teacher and now they seem to be considered the same age.

I was so happy he showed up on screen. Adam Scott, I miss you (and the rest of the Parks and Rec gang) so very much.

I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers too! (Although I'm way to broke to buy tickets so maybe I'm safe? :p) But yeah, that really did seem to be a reflection of the creator. I understand if the music isn't your thing but what have they done to him personally?

The description for next week's episode certainly implies we will! :) Although it seems that the show is building up a Tahani/Chidi connection as well…