
Yeah, that one made me a little uncomfortable…Have people never flown on long distance planes before? Because if you are on a plane for 20+ hours, at some point you need to sleep and it might be too hot on the plane to keep your socks on…

The dress was (is?) blue and black. There is video evidence. I don't know what you white/gold people are on….(are these the same people who still think Trump can win?)

I don't really even watch the show (I think I saw the pilot and some scenes from youtube?), yet somehow this trailer has me pumped to watch this. How?

Yeah, as a life long NJ resident, I was super confused as to how time worked in this episode. Mindy gets on this mystical direct train from NJ (I'm guessing Newark?) to Philly THEN gets on another train from Philly to NY and makes it to her work place all in the span of 90 minutes? What?

I actually really like Ben and Mindy. (And this is coming from a former hard core Danny/Mindy shipper before the writers utterly decimated the character).

Wasn't this the movie that had Dr. Suess's family/estate consider suing them because it was so bad it besmirched the original books?

Yeah, I highly doubt Meryl Streep kept Anne Hathaway waiting from dawn for hours for her to come out of the trailer.

To be fair, she also mentioned that Meyers would make the entire crew wait for him from the crack of dawn to get out of the trailers. There is unfriendly and then there is being an inconsiderate asshole.

For me it was the convo with the other man before the fight that convinced me. You can argue that the trolls framed him to explain away the phone call with the mom but the guy (can't remember his name) did not deny it all when the man identified him as a fellow pedo.

I don't know. The episode made it absolutely clear that he was a pedophile but no indication that he ever acted on anything. If jerking off to pictures was the worst he did, he in no way deserved what he got.

This episode was basically as banal as the last (by this show's standards anyway) but Alex Lowther's acting elevated it a LOT. Even though I didn't like it that much, this episode was on my mind for a while whereas I almost immediately forgot about the previous one. (I literally had to Google it just now to remind

Yeah that bothered me. Even my middle aged mom knows better than to just download something random off of Google without checking if it was credible first.

Or maybe it was the holidays? Don't remember the episode mentioning a specific time…

It drives me NUTS that Barry never suffers any long term consequences for his actions.

People keep seeming to forget that Barry didn't just change the gender. That kid is WAY older than 2 which is how old Sara should have been (she was born in the season 3 premiere). He is maybe 4.

I bought that at first but it actually makes no fucking sense. John Jr looked to be about 4 meaning he was conceived about 5 years ago LONG before Barry met Diggle.

Yeah and it looks like Arrow is just rolling with it. Ugh. Barry you ERASED an entire human being from existence. Thats NOT okay

That time thing actually reminded me of the White Christmas episode of this very show. The dude is being punished by being put in a simulation that makes a thousand years go by in one minute for an entire weekend. It was horrifying how casual everyone was about it when essentially, they were sentencing the guy to an

Also, that HP reference was terrible and clearly written by somebody who only watched a few movies and never read the books. As a HP nerd, I was pretty irked-why would you meet Dumbledore before getting sorted? Literally those two things have no correlation in the series. (Very pendantic and picky I know but what is

The Waldo Moment is fucking terrifying when viewed under the lens of the current US Presidential Election but kind of meh on its own.