
I mean yes, but Linsdey is also pretty terrible. Remember how she stabbed Paul? That is an actual criminal act that she could (and probably should) be persecuted for. It is physical abuse.

Yeah but Gretchen is a publicist. Stuff like this is LITERALLY her job. I have know idea how that rapper dude (blanking on his name) hasn't fired her now if she could not have foreseen this.

Right, but I was under the impression that Micheala's parents lived somewhere in the South like Missisippi. As the show takes place in Philadelphia, it doesn't make much sense for Micheala to willingly take Connor's phone with her on such a long journey unless he was with him (for some, equally unplausible reason).

I baby sat a LOT when I was younger and often end up taking care of the young kids when at family gatherings (and did so with my brother's friends when my brother was little and playing with his friends) but I still have no idea how to change a diaper.

I honestly can't think of a single Jo subplot that didn't directly revolve around Alex. There was that tiny subplot of her competing with Stephanie (Edwards) but even that seemed to be way more about Edwards than about her.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one uncomfortable with Frank and Bonnie. I literally had to cover my eyes, it seriously felt incestous.

Yeah, Simon definitely did it. For him to fold so quickly about something he was being framed for does not gel at ALL with the character they have showed so far.

Yeah I'm getting confused by that. How long does it take for a pregnancy to show up on a blood test? At least a week right? And if next week's episode is 2 weeks before the fire, then Laurel needs to hook up with someone soon (Wes probably) for this pregnancy thing to make sense.

It could be but why on Earth would Michaela have Connor's phone if he wasn't with her?

I love how the show panned to the "Unidentified male" found dead on the TV screen after revealing that Micheala was not dead as if this was some sort of extra reveal. With Micheala out of the running, the only possible suspects that it could possibly be are male (my money's on Frank). Although I suppose it does

I KNEW the premise was super familiar for a reason. (It was also very familiar to a YA book by Scott Westefeild in the Uglies universe).

While NBC cancelling Go On (and sticking Mathew Perry in the God awful The Odd Couple remake) still stings, I don't think I will EVER be over ABC pulling the plug on Selfie and Trophy Wife (and yes I know, terrible names but really good shows!)

Yeah the actor is pretty endearing but "extremely dumb" is pretty one note and gets boring fast.

Yeah that part bothered me…we could read subtitles for those flashbacks!

Broom Darryl was so god damn amazing. I literally paused the show and said, "thank God this show is back."

Supernatural was on Fridays for a few years and it's on its 12th season now. (no longer on Fridays too)

I read in an interview that the show runners envision a 4 season plan for the show so maybe the next season's episodes end with an ellipse and the fourth season's episodes end with a period-to signal a sense of finality maybe?

(You have a really nice friend).

(You have a really nice friend).

(You have a really nice friend).