
I couldn't even get through the trailer of Great Indoors and I was previously such a Joel McHale fan, I thought I could watch him in anything.

I hated Speechless but I love this show…maybe because in this show, the show calls out Rachel for her assholery while in Speechless it just glorifies the mom's assholery?

I really, really, hope you don't live in a swing state. Even if HRC is the most corrupt candidate in history (she isn't), she is still competent and not insane-a charge you agree with.

It did come into play this episode though.

*sniffs* it's been years but I still haven't gotten over Trophy Wife's unjust cancellation. (I also refuse to watch the last episode out of denial)

I'm way more of a dog person but damn if Michael doesn't deserve a cat after all he went through.

You could watch it legally on CW site…just use Hola unblocker to trick it into thinking you are in US :p

Lol you're not alone I being absurdly happy to have this show back. I love it so much, damn it.

So brilliant. I thought for sure that it would mean either both Micheal and Petra would be saved or they would both be condemned.

So I know next to nothing about Martha Stewart or Snoop Dogg. I hate cooking shows and have virtually zero interest in hip hop/rap music. Yet, somehow I want to see this? Why?

I'm not a Snow hater, but Good Lord was that Snow teaching subplot pointless. We all know that depicting boring things like school or work in a show full of magic and fairy tale characters would be awkward and did that subplot show why.

Well, we got John Oliver. Maybe it was a fair trade? Take a brilliant comedian in exchange for also taking a shitty one off their hands?

Yeah that's what I went with too to justify it to myself but it is still pretty egregious that they didn't talk about it beforehand especially since there is a chance Amelia was so traumatized by that experience she never wanted to have kids again (which is understandable).

It doesn't look like the time issue is going away….next week's promo indicates that Amelia will be having a pregnancy scare (do you call it a scare if you want it to happen?) despite the fact that they JUST agreed to start trying at the end of this episode.

They should do one for all the ABC comedies that got ignored this season : The Middle, Goldbergs, Fresh off the Boat, Speechless, American Houswife, Blackish.

On a side note, what Indian is named Tamir? All they had to do was change one letter and they could have had a very common South Asian name… (Samir)

Yep mentioned before, Shonda shows are good at diversity but not great. Her lack of Asian characters and ESPECIALLY South Asian characters in her shows irks me. And it's in a medical drama, it's like having a golfing drama without white people.

Tamir isn't a doctor, he is a nurse. So we are still in the never situation. Good episode but it does bug me that they wasted Ravi Patel in a one off role when they totally could have made him a regular/recurring doctor (maybe even a late in life intern!)

He probably thought it was Connor in the hospital…which makes me the think it couldn't be Connor under the sheet because Oliver didn't seem that upset until they said a survivor was in the hospital.

Yep. Especially when she said, "make me feel." I was literally shouting, "they are going to bone" at the screen.