
Yeah I would have been pretty ticked off if it wasn't for the Laurel reveal. Meggie counts as much as Simon-that random classmate who keeps on flirting with Oliver to piss off Connor(who I think we have seen more of than Meggie tbh)

As long as she doesn't hook up with both of them and the second part of season 3 is plauged with a "Who is the baby Daddy?" subplot.

Yeah but then they will just go back to trying to fight the criminals on the street without proper training. There really isn't anything Oliver and Felicity can do to stop them. The best thing they can do for them is give them training do they don't get themselves killed.

There's also an age difference to contend with. Thea was 19/20 years old when Malcolm trained her while Laurel was in her 30s. The human body is far more likely to develop muscle memories when you are as young as Thea was (hence why most Olympians starts so ridiculously young).

And getting the Hawk people and Vandal Savage out of the show should improve things as they were clearly the worst parts of season 1

Plus Oliver and Felicity were like a month away from being married. Felicity and Detective Boring seem like they just became a couple

Don't forget

He is just so… bland. Like, at least Ray and Cooper had personalities. Detective Boring makes DJ Ninja (never forget!) look like a firework show.

How great would it be if it was literally just the brother of the hired muscle Oliver casually killed in the pilot even though he was begging for his life just because "nobody could know his secret".

Some people on the Internet are determined to hate Felicity no matter what. She could save the entire world from nuclear holocaust and still be a shrill nag in their eyes. Oh wait she did? And they still think so? Sigh

It's so fucked up. He ERASED a good human being and nobody says anything. That is like supervillain level crap right there

But they didn't just swap out the gender of the kid, he was also born earlier (that picture they showed did not show a 2 year old kid, maybe 4-5)

Exactly. The super tough training that Oliver had to go through worked because it was literally do or die. The newbies (that's what I'm calling them) are not going to go through emotional and physical abuse for no specific reason if they have a choice, just like Oliver would have bailed the Hell out of that island and

He died in a drunk driving accident a few years previous to the present timeline so he raised Raimy after her mom was killed but is dead in the present.

Speaking of Flash, the entire Raimy not talking to her mom through the radio totally reminded me of superhero characters refusing to tell other people in their lives their secret. Even when it makes no sense to keep on lying about it, they continue to do it for purposes of plot. Ugh.

Yeah the dude just straight up erased an entire being from the timeline. Just because that human being was a baby at the time doesn't make it okay. In another show, Barry is the villain and Sara is the hero.

Yep. Not QUITE as bad as the lack of Chemistry between Kate Cassidy (Laurel) and Stephen Amell(Oliver) but pretty bad.

Why though? Wouldn't it just make everyone more sad that Diggle had a girl who longer exists because Barry fucked up?

Okay but why didn't the Time Wraiths get him in the premiere? He changed the Timeline MASSIVELY and they didn't bother?

Oh it's DEFINITELY Dante. This is TV. Nobody is dead unless you see the cold, bloated corpse. Plus we all know how this show loves to take any form of consequence from Barry so of course, the one thing he screwed up the most (causing his friend's brother to die) has to be undone.