
That would be fucking fantastic but it would have to be a show that airs live. All the late night shows are taped beforehand and knowing Trump, he would throw a huge fit, threaten to sue the network, prevent the footage from ever seeing the light of day and force all the audience members to sign NDAs.

Really? I too love Mathew Perry and Yvette Nicole Brown but I couldn't even finish the pilot-the laugh track was horrendous and the jokes were painful.

I'm still angry at NBC for axing Grandfathered but The Good Place looks pretty good…

The first movie was actually pretty subversive and entertaining for a kid's movie. All the sequels and spin offs, though, were increasingly awful.

She had to have gotten the money she gave Hinton's wife from somewhere…

I recently binged the entire show and I totally thought of the racist contestant in this week's episode. Mindy also tweeted a few weeks ago about watching unREAL for the first time so maybe it's not a coincidence.

The way they mistreat Alex is even worse than Stuart because Alex is still a young woman and this is her FAMILY that treats her like shit. Stuart can always find new friends. Alex can't find new parents or siblings. I was really hoping maybe the episode was setting up a surprise party or something for Alex but I

That's what I thought! Dede getting married would have been a great way to bring the show full circle and cap the season off. Maybe Shelly Long wasn't available?

THAT is where I saw him before. I was wondering why I instantly wanted to punch him in the face when I layed eyes on him….thanks, that was going to drive me nuts!

If they just got rid of Chet and Jeremy, this show would be perfect.

Exactly! People who think any type of regulation on guns would lead to people taking their guns away even though that is not the case with cars, food, medicine or the million other commonly used items in US that are heavily regulated ARE NUTS.

It's a depressing but frighteningly efficient cycle of money and profit creation.

We didn't do anything when five year old CHILDREN were massacred. Nothing is going to change now, nothing ever will. (Sorry for the glum outlook, I am just really fucking angry). I think the quote I saw on Twitter sums it up the best:

I can't imagine what it must be like for the police officers at the crime scene tasked with identifying the dead bodies and having to listen to the phones ring over and over again, knowing on the other line, there is a loved one waiting in anguish. I have my issues with the police but I wouldn't wish that on my worst

Well as I mentioned before, it led to Stan revealing that there was another Directorate S agent posing as a married couple with kids, so their strategy clearly worked.

I'm sure they have a fake marriage license and all but no, no real wedding ceremony.

Lol as a daughter of South Asian parents, I can gaurantee that no South Asian parent would ever react that way if he or she found their child (son or daughter) making out with another kid. Trust me, shit would hit the fan.

Good review! But I'm surprised there is no mention of (imo) the biggest development in the finale: Hans revealed to Stan and his partner that the other Directorate S agents were posing as a typical American family: a married couple with kids right before he died. Surely that will come back to bite the Jennings' in the

That video on Twitter seriously broke my heart. She was so energetic and excited and happy and asking people to come to her concert. And then a psycho with a gun ends it all.

That's exactly what I thought when I read that the shooter was tackled by her brother. Poor guy will spend the rest of his life being haunted by the fact that he was right there when his sister was killed even though, it is in now way his fault.