
If we are going to nitpick, we might as well go with the obvious one that nobody, not Lina, not Xo, not Michael, not even Rafael (although that one might be a bit awkward) could have just picked up Jane and Rogelio from the university (especially since it was only 8 minutes away). Even if they had to take two trips,

My guess is everything was an act, including the incompetent, innocent waitress act for Jane. It DOES make the scene where she needs 3 hours to write a simple ad in English for Jane's school news paper hard to believe since there was nobody else in the room. No way she picked up English from being that awful to

The show runner said in an interview that Anezka would move Petra to her hotel suite for "home care" so she could keep on an eye on her and keep regularly injecting Petra with the drug that is causing Petra to be petrified. I guess she will discreetly continue dying her hair then too?

Yeah when Susanna shot Michael, my first thought (because I knew that Micheal was going to be in danger the minute he stepped out of the hotel room to get the damn ice) was that Luisa must have inherited her father's absolutely atrocious taste in women.

Time jump is a possibility but given all the open threads the show left dangling, it really doesn't work. No way Rafael would be fooled by Anezka as Petra that long. Plus there are time sensitive matters like Xo's pregnancy and the entire Sin Rosetero thing.

Also, remember everyone-this is a show that couldn't commit to killing of Alba, Jane's elderly grandmother. No way will it make Jane a widow on HER WEDDING NIGHT(seriously, this is the stuff that makes comic book villains).

Yeah the writers had their chance to kill Michael in Season 1. Killing him now, leaving Jane a widow would be SUPER depressing and not at all with the tone of the show.

Yeah the way no doctor discovered the drugs in Petra's system was odd. Maybe Madga paid her off somehow?

The show runner already confirmed that Jane will no longer be a virgin by the time Season 3 ends. If Michael dies, that would mean Jane would get over her husband (and the love of her life) AND fall in love and get married to another person (because no way would Jane stop her "virgin until marriage" thing after all

I was shouting so hard when he grabbed that bucket. NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE ICE MICHAEL.

Michael's vows in Spanish (and the implication that he had been secretly learning them from Alba) broke me. I can't imagine that even the most ardent #TeamRafael supporters weren't moved by that scene.

All I can say is, every person is entitled to their completely wrong opinion.

ikr! I have resorted to stalking Oliver's Twitter account…I need that review yesterday.

I love Mindy Project and Mindy Kaling and you are definitely right about a lot of what you said (I loved the recent episode exploring Mindy's Indian side and I really wish more episodes of the show were like that).

….so no finale review yet? (Sorry to sound impatient but I really want to discuss it)

I am very, very, nervous for tonight's episode of Jane the Virgin. If the show kills Micheal just to extend the drama, I will flip the fuck out.

Honestly at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the show ended with Big Head actually just becoming the richest man alive after drunkenly buying some really good stocks and accidentally acquiring an oil empire.

As amazing as this episode was, the best part was definitely the confirmation that Gilfoyle watches Jane the Virgin. I like to think that even he could succumb to the charms of Rogelio.

I mean Laurel is dead so…idk how they could conceivably get back together at this point.

Didn't Priya move back to India? Isn't that why they broke up?