I also distinctly remember the show slightly hinting at Alex having feelings for Maggie last season so now that Jo and Alex have broken up, maybe the show will explore that too just to make things extra confusing.
I also distinctly remember the show slightly hinting at Alex having feelings for Maggie last season so now that Jo and Alex have broken up, maybe the show will explore that too just to make things extra confusing.
Nooooooooooo. Seriously, Grandfathered was amazing. I'm heartbroken
I mean I guess so but I honestly can't imagine a president agreeing not to send in the National Guard to defend the country against nuclear annihilation because of some magic nonesense. Like no President, even Trump (God help us) would be that shitty.
Don't you dare suggest such a thing. CEG and JtV are the best shows on TV right now. To cut those shows in half for the snooze fest that is Supergirl would be a travesty.
Nah, they will want to keep their two golden shows: JTV and CEG on one night. My guess is it will pair Flash since they are pretty similar in tone.
That is true. It should have been Joe who pulled Barry out. Dude is the only reliable presence in Barry's life.
Basically, people will find a way to hate Felicity even if she wins the god damn Nobel Peace Prize.
I literally groaned when the stupid flashbacks came back. Two weeks without have spoiled me. I DON'T CARE SHOW.
That drove me nuts. It's a fucking nuclear bomb. This is when you call in the National Guard. Is Arrow set in an alternate universe where the US doesn't spend an insane amount of money on it's defense? I get that Darhk's soldiers are powerful but numbers are numbers. The sheer force of the American government's…
Eliza Coupe and Adam Pally being in the same episode would be fantastic but honestly, I would just settle for more HE cast members to guest star on the show. Casey Wilson and Damon Wayans Jr in particular would be prefect.
I don't see how Neel was being an asshole…he didn't lead Mindy on and if being culturally Indian is important to him, it makes sense that he would want to date somebody who has the same values. At no point does he imply that he is a better person for being closer to his Indian heritage, just different.
Sadly, there aren't a lot shows out there with Indian Americans exploring their Indian heritage, so the reviewer was pointing out the only two she knows of that has.
As a brown person, let me tell you the sheer amount of times a random white salesperson has pointed to out a random older Indian man/woman in a store to me and asked, "Does your mom/dad need help with something?" is absurd. One time a white lady in a hair salon assumed my brother was my husband which was super gross…
The writers aren't dumb enough to lose Jesse L Martin. Plus, there is just something irresistible to superhero writers about the "orphaned hero" trope (See: every single comic book ever).
I was cutting onions SO HARD. Grant Gustin seriously knows how to make an audience cry.
I LOVED Earth-2 Iris and I am bored to tears by Earth-1 Iris. Seriously, I even bought the WestAllen romance (which I normally despise) between Earth-2 Iris and Barry. Why couldn't the writers just have made her a police officer on Earth 1 too? It would make her more bad ass and explain her sudden, inexplicable…
That bit made me so angry. It undid all the good will Iris generated from being adorable teaming up with Cisco earlier. Seriously, if I was Henry, I would have been pissed.
I am praying to the Gods that this is what happens but it really looks like the writers are desperate for the a Comic Book Cannon romance to work out on Flash (since it failed so utterly on Arrow) and it looks like they are going to commit to it no matter how boring and potentially incestous.
Waiting to see how Legends handles Laurel's death is honestly the only reason I am still watching the show.
I'm still not sold on Iris/Barry (not sure I ever will be) but in this episode, Iris annoyed me a great deal less than she usually does which is definitely saying something. (Her "No, you hide behind ME" to Cisco was pretty great)