John Cho as Captain America. I love this idea so much not least, for the amount of racist tears it would cause.
John Cho as Captain America. I love this idea so much not least, for the amount of racist tears it would cause.
So I don't watch this show (or the original Walking Dead) so I have no idea what's going on, I just am commenting on this page to state that whoever is on the header looks just like Yael Grobglas (Petra from Jane the Virgin). That it is all.
Calling it now…Xo will have a pregnancy scare in the finale and will freak out wondering if the baby is Esteban's or Rogelio's…culminating in Rogelio finding out Xo slept with Esteban and them having a huge fight before the wedding.
ikr? I really was hoping he would default to playboy Raf for longer than one episode…I guess now, with three kids and the hotel stuff, he really doesn't have time for it now
That song is so catchy, I really thought it was a real song out in the world that the show just found and decided to use.
Do it! The first episode is available for free on YouTube. It's ridiculously funny right out of the gate :)
The shot of Susanna on the phone was so weirdly framed, I kept on expecting the camera to zoom out and reveal somebody (Mutter?) to be in the car with her with a gun to her head or something. The possibility of Susanna being a double agent is there but I really hope not, at least for Luisa's sake. She deserves to have…
Any thoughts on who Derek is really working with? How absurd (but hilarious) would it be if it was Luisa's mom all along? Speaking of, I miss Luisa and she better be invited to the wedding :) (She can bring Susanna as her plus one!)
It would be such a reversal of everything Jane as a character is, if she betrays Michael for Rafael next week (or did this week). The wedding should go well! Hopefully, Jane will reject Rafael in the same kind but firm way she has in the past :)
Great episode! I am glad they have eased up on the entire "Michael is going to die" foreshadowing they kept on doing the past few episodes. My heart honestly would not been able to handle Michael going into the hotel if they had kept that going this episode too. I still maintain that Michael won't die but I don't like…
That construction bit honestly made me wonder if Rafael getting caught was planned. Surely, Petra, queen of convoluted plots, would notice if construction on the hotel was planned on the same time/place Rafael was going to confront Derek? If they wanted Petra's plan to fail, there were better, less convoluted ways to…
Oh man, I totally forgot about that. That was REALLY dumb and I can't believe Ross didn't say a word. Ugh. In general, I try pretty hard not to think too hard about Friends' final season because it was clear the writers and actors just didn't give a shit anymore.
I really, really want to enjoy the show but as evidenced by the fact that I couldn't bother catching up with the show until I'm 3 weeks behind, it's REALLY hard for me to care.
I'm sure at this point Martha probably knows on some level Phillip played her. After all, she isn't dumb. But she already knows that she is going to Russia for life and never see him again. She is probably clinging to lie to save her sanity.
Mind definitely went there for a minute… I'm glad the show didn't go there for such a cheap twist
I thought I was the only one! I was so confused and sightly horrified that Paige was out with Phillip in disguise without Henry-were they really training her to be a KGB agent now? And then I saw Alice and I got even more confused…
Yeah, I don't think Callie deserves to be denied access to her daughter but she definitely deserves to have SOME sort of consequence for what she did.
Exactly! Her rebuking Penny at the end was insane! She should be spending all her remaining time with her since she obviously isn't going to choose Penny over her child. Ugh.
The more I rack, my brain, the more absurd Callie's decision seems. It's just a year! She can't imagine spending a year away from Penny but she CAN imagine Arizona spending a year away form her daughter? Not to mention Sofia being away from her loving parents? Seriously? UGH
I loved Patty so much! I was extremely annoyed over the abrupt way the writers wrote her out. It's like they didn't anticipate how much chemistry the two actors would have and had a moment where they realized, "Oh shit this is making the chemistry-less Barry/Iris look REALLY bad by comparison" and tried really hard to…