All attempts to hate on Olicity are INvalid…there you go, I fixed it for you :)
All attempts to hate on Olicity are INvalid…there you go, I fixed it for you :)
So one one hand…I fucking love Crazy Ex Girlfriend…On the other hand, I fucking hate iTunes.
Yeah but this way, the show gets a slight boost and the chances of a S3 are marginally higher!
I literally ranted about that in a comment above. The episode descriptions and promos are driving me nuts. Obviously, Callie won't choose Penny over Sofia. Nobody, including Penny, would expect her to. Honestly, I assumed that the decision would imply that Penny and Callie would need to break up or do long distance.…
All her answers sounded so rehearsed like Callie had quizzed her with flashcards the morning of. (Which I don't really hold against her, as this review established, Penny only met Sofia a few months ago and residents are supposed to have insane working hours).
I have no idea why but I am constantly mixing up DeLuca and Riggs this season so for a minute before DeLuca started talking, I assumed it was Riggs and I was just like, "OF COURSE Riggs is the team opposite of Owen".
How the hell was Meredith not offended by that adoption bs? "And then you came along?" Seriously? My blood was boiling and I was aware this is all fiction.
Callie being so shocked at the end was hysterical. Honestly, her arrogance the entire episode was astounding. I love how she even tried to give a "thanks for playing" premature victory speech to Arizona before the judge made her decision. Good Lord, how the hell was she confident she was going to win?
I am so confused by the manafactured drama of the custody battle. The ending of this episode and the episode descriptions seem to imply that Callie has now completely lost custody of Sofia and won't ever be able to parent her again except…wasn't this entire situation dependent on Callie moving to New York? Arizona and…
Exactly. This seems like a really, really desperate attempt to hate on Olicity.
Mindy Project got renewed!! Yay :) More Mindy on my screen, the better :)
For one glorious second, I thought you implied Aparna had her own podcast and I was frantically digging through my podcast app for it. Ah well, I guess I'll just stalk her twitter to find the ones she appeared on :)
Oh man the worst part is that I actually live near NY but am also a broke college student so I can't really afford the bus ticket on a regular basis. The only times I do go to NY are with my family and they definitely aren't interested in their type of humor :(
That baby who plays Edie is a real find. I don't think I have ever seen a little one so active and consistently happy on TV.
Yeah, Mindy and Jody have zero romantic chemistry. Danny's re appearance and his brief scene with Mindy just proved it. I am praying the show resists the urge to go down the soap opera alert and make some weird love triangle between the three of them.
I really don't get the appeal of the Barry/Iris pairing. Are we supposed to be rooting for them just because other people keep SAYING that they are destined to be together? That's not how couples work! The Flash writers should watch Legends of Tomorrow: that destiny argument didn't do shit to make Kendra/Carter…
Are people really believing that? Listen guys, The Flash is CW's top rated TV show and DC gets some of that money. There is no way in hell CW will agree to kill of the main character just for the movies. That would fuck with the entire money making thing. Plus, there is no way DC is allowed to bully CW into cancelling…
Just watch for Sara and Snart. I do that while fast forwarding all the Kendra scenes (and Rip Hunter if he gets annoying) and I find the show much more enjoyable. (I also just don't take it as seriously as I do as Flash or Arrow because time travel is fucking ridiculous).
My brother was obsessed with it and continues to bemoan its cancellation so you are not the only one.
I think the C is accurate for the first 30 minutes while a 9.5 is accurate for the last 10 minutes. I was so bored I was playing Candy Crush on my phone for most of the episode but damn was that a great ending.