
I freaking LOVE Aparna Nancherla. I was heartbroken when Totally Biased was cancelled mainly because that meant no semi regular Aparna and Hari Kondabolu (another fantastic, underrated comedian) doses.

That seemed strange to me but I rationalized it by thinking that Petra was wearing heels (which her character usually does).

Also, NO WONDER nobody will marry the couple. At first I thought the Jewish explanation was ridiculous-even in the South, no way every single officiant is that strict. Of course, people were refusing them for that really creepy age (
although I sincerely hope she is a young looking 18 and not a old looking 15 because

I too found this episode very weak (esp after loving the previous ones) and found the ending more WTF than actual pay off so I was pretty surprised by the high grade it received. Maybe the next episode redeems it somehow?

Hey at least you guys get SOME representation on TV. I'm pretty sure I will be waiting for a portrayal of a Hindu American family until the day I die.

That scene where Raja rebuked the girl's kiss on the cheek was so fantastic to me. My family isn't Muslim but we come from a similar culture where even kissing on the cheek before marriage is seen as sinful. While I don't necessarily agree with it (same way the girl doesn't), I really enjoyed seeing a scene

You are not alone. There are plenty of actors and artists I admire but I wouldn't ever want to meet them in irl, mainly, because, I'm terrified of running into them on a bad day (which everyone has) and having a bad interaction. I know, for example, if I ran into Jon Stewart and he was grumpy, I could never enjoy

Yeah like I said earlier, it's pretty clear Cyrus sees Ella as a possession. He couldn't care less about her every day life (like what school she goes to or whatever) as long as he maintains the illusion of "having" her (which Michael just completely fucked up by running away with her).

No Jake or Rowan!!! Seriously that just by itself should automatically elevate the show by 2 grades.

Meredith mentioned Christina!! It makes me so happy when current cast members remember that former cast members used to exist and they don't just fade into oblivion like Mark and Lexi.

So I guess we have to wait until next week to see the Calzona drama resolved? I honestly don't understand how Meredith and Owen readily agreed to support Callie without even thinking about it. I get that they have known her longer but honestly, how can anybody objectively choose Callie's side over Arizona's here? The

Okay and Lauriver fans were sending death threats to Emily and the Arrow writers on twitter for years. Can't we all just agree that there are whackos on each side of the fandom and that they are not representative of the majority of them?

For a second there, I thought you were claiming to have me him in person and I was really, really confused.

I really only felt emotional when Lance broke down and Diggle flipped out. Everything else (even the funeral scene) was pretty meh.

The Felicity hate is absurd, ridiculous, and completely illogical. Pretty sure they will be calling Felicity selfish for coughing and using up to much oxygen.

Something to do with corn…idk. Now that they have finally revealed the grave occupant and dealt with the subsequent emotional fall out, I am hoping that next week's episode finally reveals Dahrk's master plan and the remaining 3 episodes are just about destroying him.

For a second, I misread the don't as "do", and I was about to berate you for being a crazy person missing on the charms of the lovely Katrina Law and bad ass Nyssa :). I'm also open to her improbably joining LoT in S2 and randomly making out with Sara while kicking ass.

WHY DIDN'T THEY DESTROY THE DAMN IDOL??? See this is what happens when Felicity leaves, every body makes dumb decisions.

Took the words right out my mouth :p In my head, Donna bought that coat and sweater for Felicity as Hannukah gifts and watched her excitedly as Felicity half heartedly thanked her and buried them deep in the closet, vowing never to touch them. Then in the midst of the move out, the coat and sweater somehow wound up in

LAUREL WAS NOT AN OBSTACLE TO OLICITY. Like at all. There were plenty of obstacles to Olicity (which is why they broke up) but Laurel was in no way, one of them. Seriously, are we watching the same show?