
People who think Laurel was killed off to make Olicity fans happy genuinely baffle me. Like the Laurel/Felicity/Oliver triangle was never a thing. At all. There was Oliver/Laurel/Tommy in S1 and Oliver/Felicity/Ray in S3. Hell if you REALLY want to stretch it, you could even claim there was a Oliver/Felicity/Sara

*sigh* I hate Ruve as much as the next viewer but are rape threats really necessary for any character no matter how evil? It was grotesque and completely pointless except to normalize sexual assault.

She's dead.

That scene was so weird. I could accept a kiss over their shared grief as a way to comfort themselves but Laurel's line about the "future" made no sense. Early Season 2 showed a Laurel who was still grieving Tommy's death and couldn't possibly imagine being with Oliver so how the hell wold she be planning for a future

I'm fairly certain the current Women's clothes sizing system (at least in the US) was designed by a sadistic fashion designer with an inexplicable hatred of all women (maybe he had bad mother?) and such designed the system to screw over all women for the history of time.

Yeah that story line was gross but the way Tamara shut Jeremy down was great at the very least.

I totally forgot about her. Damn she didn't even stop by after Mindy had her baby :(

Good review Gwen! Except I think you missed one major point of the Mindy/Whitney plotline: They weren't going out, Whitney was going to Mindy's place and bringing random board games. The entire point of her hanging out with Mindy so much was that it would prevent her from going out with her work buddies and start

I countered my anxiety by reading the episode descriptions. I mean I refuse to believe he dies period. But as an extra confirmation according to the episode descriptions, he will for sure be around until ep #20 (because he is in the description for ep #21).


Between that and the entire #firstmalefeminist nonsense a couple episodes back, I love how the show is really committing to Rogelio's telenovela being the absolute worst.

I mean on one hand I get that it's distracting but on the other…I'm all for less babies crying in the world even if it means an occasional annoyance in the TV viewing experience.

Don't even say that. Jane is a romantic at heart and the idea of her marrying Rafael when she doesn't have feelings for him (esp since he clearly STILL isn't over her) just to make things like custody easier goes against everything Jane stands for. (No matter how much the show seems to be hinting at it)

It's really telling that I can't even bring myself to care enough to commit 45 minutes of my life to watching this when 2 years ago, I was searching for TGW interviews and spoilers like bloodhound online even though now the show is ending FOREVER. Oh Good Wife what have you done to all the good will you spent 5 years

The show has never seemed to understand how traffic works in a major city like Chicago. I remember an episode in the glory that was Season 5 where Alicia and Cary drove to like 3 different courtrooms in different parts of the city in the span of 2 hours. It was insane.

Completely accurate. Just save yourself the heartbreak and stop watching after Season 5. If you are really tempted, watch the first half of S6 (there is exactly one story line that is executed pretty well that showcases the talents of the one of the regulars really well and gets resolved by midseason of season 6). But

Agreed, and logically we all know some random obstacle will stop Callie from moving since I am pretty sure Sara Ramirez is signed on for Season 13. But for the story/plot purposes, some people have to be on Callie's side other wise, the custody battle isn't nearly as interesting :p

Lol Amelia is crazy enough to support Callie.

Also, what was up with Fitz being the best man? Since when have Jake and Fitz become best buddies again?

Seriously. Essentially what Rowan has been doing is torturing and then training highly skilled assassins. How the Hell have they not banded together and killed him out of revenge yet?