
I zipped through this episode in 15 minutes by skipping all the flashbacks (fuck B613 to oblivion, I don't ever want to watch that story again) and Rowan scenes (because ew) and playing the rest of the scenes at twice the speed. Now reading this review, it seems that I missed absolutely nothing and could have saved

This episode was pretty underwhelming as a whole but that congressional gynecologist sketch was pitch perfect. I want it to be blasted on screens every time a bunch of old white men in Congress try to make decisions for women's health care.

The only way to redeem the awful Stuart storyline at this point is if the show just ends with Stuart snapping and murdering the entire gang in slow motion.

It's funny because I really like Kunal Nayyar but his character has gotten so insufferable that I just dearly wish for a piano to drop from the heavens onto him every time he opens his mouth. I think I hate him more than I hated Howard in the early seasons and I REALLY hated Howard before Bernadette

I had to recite the Pledge every day from kindergarten to 12th grade in school and I still completely forget about it within 2 years of graduation. I think it begins with.."I pledge allegiance to the United States…" and that's it.

Yeah but in this case, the dude sent a picture of a complete stranger and let her believe that was him for a year. I'm not saying she couldn't be attracted to him-she totally could! The problem was that it was a huge lie and something that everybody could understandably be upset over.

The promo seems a bit over the top but that really does seem to be the theme of Grey's this month.

Calzona: Civil War has a nice ring to it. Can we start picking people for each side now?

The episode wasn't as over the top as the promo made it seem to be but the gun stuff (especially the Jo plot line) was way over the top. Those scenes in the beginning with all the doctors crowding around the boy is crazy-didn't Hunt say that the hospital gets a kid with a gunshot wound EVERY DAY? Honestly keeping that

I really don't think the show was saying overweight/balding is bad. Literally nobody made cruel comments about the guy's appearance. The point was that he LIED about a hugely significant factor in a relationship. If you think attraction doesn't matter in a relationship, that's insane. Dude catfished her. Plain and

Don't you know Zoom may murder millions of innocent people but he draws the line at backing down from his deals? He's like Rumplestilskin that way :p

The entire time I was watching that scene, I was yelling at the screen for Barry to get Jay/Hunter to the damn power cancelling room in Star Labs. THEN he can talk to him through the nice and safe glass panel. Idiot.

Yeah, I totally understand if the writers really wanted Barry to lose his powers for an episode (because you know he will get his powers back by the end of next week's episode) but for the love of God, at least have Barry TRY to fight Zoom even if he had to fail.

That entire "We don't have time" reply to all of Cisco's and Catlin's suggestions made zero sense to me. Like, did I miss a scene were Zoom gave Barry a specific time frame? Zoom kept Jesse alive for months because he knew it was the only way to control Wells. He's not dumb enough to kill Wally after 5 minutes.

God, if Barry took even five minutes to think logically, none of this mess would have happened.

WHY WOULDN'T they rush Zoom into the particle accelerator prison that they have for THIS EXACT situation the minute they had him incapacitated.

The entire scene gave me the major creeps: Hunter's father humiliates and murders his mother while little Hunter's face is devoid of any expression (contrast this with how upset little Barry was when he saw his mom's dead body) followed by the Social Services officers straight out of a Dickensian novel pushing Hunter

It seriously made zero sense. What the fuck did they think Zoom would do once he had Barry's speed? Open a cupcake store? Dude wants the world to burn and they just depowered the ONE person in the world who could stop him.

I mean I guess there are people out there but honestly my complete grossly visceral reaction to incest is the main reason is why I am one of the five people left on Earth who does not watch Game of Thrones.

The sister/brother stuff is why I can't bring myself to ship WestAllen. Joe openly refers to Barry as his son, Patty called Barry Iris's friend/brother, IT'S TOO CREEPY FOR THEM TO DATE.