
I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! What the Hell? I get that maybe CW isn't allowed to actually talk about Super people on their channel but the LEAST they could do was a throwaway line about Barry having the strangest story to tell him when they have time to talk about it.

Considering the way this season is going I place my bets on the latter.

THAT DROVE ME INSANE!! Wasn't Jay Garrick a famous person on Earth 2? Right? I distinctly remember a scene in early season 2 where he was arguing with Wells in front of everybody and not even trying to hide the fact that he was The Flash.

ikr? I know the foster system isn't the best but the one portrayed in Earth 2 was straight out of an 1800's English play.

Silicon Valley, a very funny comedy on HBO. The " C list Edward Snowden" guy plays a main character on it and he's consistently fantastic

Alba's expression when she saw the short shorts on the abuela was amazing. I am freaking terrified over Michael.

Rafael being in jail (temporarily) could be interesting. Michael dying would be horrible.


I am so scared for Michael, I am getting anxiety whenever he appears on screen. Don't do it show!!

Yeah that was so weird to me. Who has a bachelor/ette party that far away from the wedding? TV and Movies have trained me to believe that they always happen no more than 1 week before the wedding.

Some Sin Rostro minion seeking revenge for Rose's murder?


Agreed. If It wasn't for Harmon, I would be bemoaning the lack of creativity in TV and wonder who was high when they greenlit it. But because Harmon's name is attached, I am resigning myself to watching and praying it isn't crappy.

I hadn't even thought about it but you're right-either the giant train set would have been super light or Paul Rudd should have been crushing all the ants he touched…

They need to wait a few years for Donald Glover to finally give up on his rapping career and swallow his pride and agree to the movie if only to generate some cash flow.

So I haven't seen this yet but I'm going to make a wild guess and predict it's going to be 100% white people? Which would be accurate but still disconcerting.

Although a mention of Zack and Grace at least calling to make sure Peter was okay would be nice. Don't they give any shits about their father anymore?

That was adorable. Diane's "You can't have the same expression for everything!" made me crack up. I could imagine a real life married couple saying that.

Yeah I love Diane but that comment about Holly's clothes disappointed me. You are supposed to be a feminist Diane! But I guess nobody's perfect.

Oooh that would be interesting. Maybe when Diane was off lawyering, Kurt saw himself being tempted by Young Blonde Republican and almost started something with her, felt so horribly guilty over his almost indiscretion (especially since he is portrayed as a man of absolute principles) that he decided to sell his…